Group Goal

AeiriMuse Posts: 254 Member
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Every time we crash, we pick ourselves up.
We all make mistakes and fall to temptation.
We learn and use the lesson as motivation.

Strength isn't just the physical.
It's the character. It's the mentality.
It's a choice.

We seek to make a change in our lives;
not because society doesn't accept our flaws,
but because we found something we wanted to evolve,
to better.
We are who we make ourselves.

To improve is to conquer.
It doesn't always happen on the first try.
We're our worst critic when we fumble,
because, to ourselves, we can't lie.

It's hard to get back in
after you've spent some time out.
Fear of lost respect,
to be judged.

Don't give up,
don't give in.
Stand up tall.
Take a breath.
You're not done yet.

If it's too hard,
come on by.
It might be difficult,
but we'll try
to lift you up
and push you through.
It's what friends do.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
We're a bunch of positive attitudes you can trust.
