May 22nd Check in



  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Nice to see all the movers and shakers in here this morning. Other than a late afternoon appt with my chiro and dinner/crafting with a friend, my day is still unplanned. Somewhere in there needs to be a workout. I took three days off this week because of joint and back pain, but I need to get back now.

    My One thing is definitely to lose the crutches!!!

  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hey gang, a while ago I started a discussion about post-weight loss skin surgery in Thailand, and I haven't pulled anything together yet. This prednisone taper is really knocking me off my feet--terrible pain that just leaves me completely exhausted and unfocused.

    That said, here's my plan and what YOU can do. If you are interested, I'd like to submit some of our bios and posts to a few reality show producers to see if they are interested in following this group of strangers-turned-friends on their journeys to health and doing things they've only dreamed of doing (like zip lining!). My hope is that we'll get paid a little money for this and that the show will pay for our eventual skin removal surgery.

    What can you do? If you're interested, let me know that it's okay to use your bio and posts. I will definitely edit for punctuation and grammar but not content. Once I have a packet, if you message me your email, Ill send you a PDF of what I 'm using. If you need names changed or content removed, you can let me know then.

    If you're VERY interested, you should record a video of yourself telling your bio story. Post it to youtube a n d send me the link. I think that's the best way to handle video. I'm not computer savvy... maybe Rat or Heather can help out here?

    Anyway, I'm setting a June 15 deadline,for myself to get this done. Are you in?
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Today is my day 21 and rather than "Checking in".....I will be "Checking out" and leaving the group....or you can remove me, either way. This apparently isnt the group for me for whatever reason Im not quite clear on or privy too. I do wish y'all much luck and success with whatever you do and wherever you land. Be good
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Hmm One day I will Do a 5K race. Not sure if I will walk it or run but I WILL do one :)

    Heather there is an app called Pink Pad that is wonderful to keep up with that lol. Not sure if you have an android or Iphone but it is on the google play store for free. LOL I plan vacations around that thing!! You literally just tap it and it puts it in for you and then you dont worry about it until it comes around the next month. But it will show you how many more days until it comes.

    I wasn't tracking because I seemed to be like clockwork every 3 weeks. Yes. 3. Weeks. Sucks for me. Now I remember I was just getting over it April 26th so I'm back to normal. I just want to go ahead and start already so this murderous rage will go away and I won't have the killer pain on my trio but that is not looking good. Sorry gentlemen for the lady bidness talk. Murderous rage.
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    Restbaby, sorry you feel that way. I know I don't say too much, I chime in when I feel I have something to add, but I have never felt like I didn't belong here. Good luck to you!!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Restbaby, sorry you feel that way. I know I don't say too much, I chime in when I feel I have something to add, but I have never felt like I didn't belong here. Good luck to you!!

    Thanks, Artelyn, for writing that. I hope everyone feels welcome. And if anyone needs some special attention or extra support, just wave your arms, start a thread, ask for help!
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Looks like a bit of over sensitivity. It's okay.. can't please everyone. Yes there are frequent posters here. Then there are the ones who have joined and don't say anything.. I don't press it. I figure if they want to jump in they will and I just hope they are getting something out of us chattering.

    From my bright start this morning it kind of went downhill for me. The walk at lunchtime was torture. Everything hurt. I did a reasonable walk, probably a little under a mile in about 30 minutes. I felt like I was crawling, I hurt and felt miserable, when I finished I didn't have any sense of achievement, I just hurt. My shins were killing me and I was moving like a cripple.

    This afternoon a woman hurled verbal abuse at me on the phone twice and I was only trying to help her.

    So tonight I go to Weight Watchers and our leader Pat who has known me for years, at the end she says, what is wrong with you? So I told her how my weight isn't shifting, how walking makes me hurt. She says it sounds like I need new shoes. She also told me to log everything really tight this whole week and she will look at it and my weight next week.

    It was good that at the end of the day I got some support.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Oh and on top of the woman screaming at me.. Restybaby leaving hurt.. I valued her being here. I sent an email and left the door open. But let's not discuss why's and wherefore's we don't even know.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    I feel like I must have missed a post or something as her leaving comment doesn't make sense to me but I hope she does well wherever she goes.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Sorry you day didn't end as well as it started julie, hopefully you will get some help from your WW leader, do not get discouraged x You could open your dairy so that friends could see it if you want some help on what you are eating, but you do not have to if you don't feel comfortable with us looking.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    So tonight I go to Weight Watchers and our leader Pat who has known me for years, at the end she says, what is wrong with you? So I told her how my weight isn't shifting, how walking makes me hurt. She says it sounds like I need new shoes. She also told me to log everything really tight this whole week and she will look at it and my weight next week.

    It was good that at the end of the day I got some support.

    Yet another reason why I have social anxiety about phones. Thank god for email, not that i don't get berated their.

    Any who, I was going to say that a good pair of walking shoes defiantly helps. Their not cheap, i just spent about $170 on mine plus inserts to help my form. I would recommend going to a local running store and not a shoe shop. At a good store they should have someone who will help fit you, measure, ask about your workouts, and look at your walk to find the best fit shoe. I went last weekend and it was great (FleetFeet if you have one in your area). You also need to get the right socks for walking. Cotton is killer. The ones made for walking and running are synthetic, they keep the feet cool, wick away sweat, helps reduce blisters and hotspots. My feet and calfs are so much more thankful. (God this workout stuff is expensive, shoes, compression shorts, just drooped some more on some good workout shirts - and will have to do it again when they no longer fit).

    I hope you can work out of the rut, remember life is full of them. This one and all the others don't have to detour the trajectory of this week or the next. Your doing great and you'll lose the weight.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Oh hugs Julie. I used to get my legs cramping up every time I tried to walk too. It was terrible. It was the one type of exercise I thought I could do and it was so darn frustrating! I would have to stop every block or so because the pain Was so bad. The only thing that would help would be to get off my feet. Slowly but surely, the more weight I lost and the more I moved it went away. Try not to let it get to you. You are our champion. We got your back and you are going to get past this hurdle.
  • IlluminatedMayhem
    One day, I will wear my 2-year-old out.

    Sorry I've been a bit absent the last couple of days. Hubby had so nights off, so we had family time. He works tonight then has a couple more nights off but I'll try and hop on her once a day. I did log all my food though.

    Hubby got KFC today. I got grilled chicken. I didn't eat the skin and I went very easy on the gravy. I didn't go over my calories but most of what I ate was KFC.

    Honestly, I'm not eating that healthy. I feel guilty about that but I guess for now its just good that I eat less.
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Just wanted to say hi to everyone and let you know I'm still kickin'. My food has been pretty good the last few days and this friendly competition Pat and I have going keeps me steppin'. I've been fighting depression all week and stepping seems to help. I probably won't be on much for a bit. Tomorrow morning Charter will be cutting off my cable and internet. I had all but $70 of the past due amount and promised them that next Wednesday I would pay the reminder. They said they'd take what I have but will still cut me off tomorrow morning. I told them I don't think so. If it's not going to keep my cable on then they can just wait until next Wednesday for anything. So unless I'm able to check in through my phone, I won't be able to. Talk to you guys as soon as I can. Have a great weekend.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Oh and on top of the woman screaming at me.. Restybaby leaving hurt.. I valued her being here. I sent an email and left the door open. But let's not discuss why's and wherefore's we don't even know.

    Julie, I hear you. I felt terrible , like I should have made an effort to make her feel welcome. But you know what... I'm going to let it go. Please, you should too. We are all grownups in here and responsible for ourselves and making sure our needs are met. Oh and not everyone is going to like us, LOL! I know that's hard to believe! I'm sorry your day was tough!
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Just wanted to say hi to everyone and let you know I'm still kickin'. My food has been pretty good the last few days and this friendly competition Pat and I have going keeps me steppin'. I've been fighting depression all week and stepping seems to help. I probably won't be on much for a bit. Tomorrow morning Charter will be cutting off my cable and internet. I had all but $70 of the past due amount and promised them that next Wednesday I would pay the reminder. They said they'd take what I have but will still cut me off tomorrow morning. I told them I don't think so. If it's not going to keep my cable on then they can just wait until next Wednesday for anything. So unless I'm able to check in through my phone, I won't be able to. Talk to you guys as soon as I can. Have a great weekend.

    Sorry to hear that Dee. If we don't hear from you we will see you on wednesday. Keep up the good work and keep on stepin.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Hang in there Dee! Month is almost over!