
what do you do if you ate too fast or too much and you are FULL to the brim? :cry:


  • teachren
    teachren Posts: 78
    You wait for "the foamies" to arrive and then hopefully don't make the same mistake again.

    With the VSG when you eat to being "full" for the first few months you've likely eaten way too much. It totally depends on the item you are eating. My first time with the foamies was eating 2 oz of pork tenderloin. I only had a bit...but it was dense and my sleeve kicked up hell. You may get the hiccups, your nose may run or you might sneeze. If it continues you'll have saliva come back up. Gobs and gobs of it and you'll have to spit it out.

    It happened to me about 3 or 4 times in the past year since my surgery. I learned my lesson early out and thankfully haven't had a problem in ages. The way to try to avoid it is to measure your food but even then, if you are eating something you've never had you might not be able to have very much depending on how dry or dense the food is.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I was in agony and spitting out saliva until I finally barfed 45 min later. I had failed to bring my snacks, waited too long to eat and had 2 bites of a sonic grilled chicken sandwich. The one and only incident but so horrible.
  • gsbbz
    gsbbz Posts: 8
    I too waited too long to have food. I think I ate way to fast and a little too much. Had the same symptoms as described and felt miserable for 2 hours. I definitely have learned my lesson. I will always have something with me and slow way down in my eating. Thanks for your input.:heart:
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    I have only eaten too much a few times. No saliva issue, but I could tell if I would have had one more bite I would have been in major trouble. I have to slooowwww down-- and have to not eat too fast. Usually after a few hours, I felt ok after overeating, but feeling so miserable was a really good reminder for me!
  • StrawberryPolly
    Thanks...this has helped me and I am still in the liquid stage. Hopefully I will learn from your experiences and be able to avoid some of the discomfort.