Surviving Holiday Weekends with food and fun!

twopaulines Posts: 55 Member
Ok..... so I've been somewhat concerned with how things would go this weekend with family coming in and all the delicious things to eat. SO..... I've proven to myself it can be done! Here's how it went...

Food: I am the cook (which is convenient) so when I made omlettes and bacon with fruit. I used "Eggbeaters" as my egg. I packed the coolers with healthy food, bread, lunch meat, fruit, yogurts, and lots of water for the river. Dinner, we grilled out and I had grilled chicken breast (boneless/skinless) with a nice large asian slaw (with low fat Asian toasted sesame dressing) and some crinkle fries while the rest had hamburgers, hotdogs, fries, and some actually ate some salad.

I was super glad to see I could manage alternatives to the meals and be just as satisfied as if I"d had all the "other" stuff.

Activity: We took it to the river. Went river hiking, swimming, land hiking, fishing, tubing. All for two days in a row. It was an excellent workout and a fantastic time. I stayed committed and went to the gym as well. I haven't missed days and I wasn't going to start! SO I just woke at 6:30am and went before everyone was awake. I was SO SO SO glad I did! I sort of got double the workout.

My biggest fear of having to log every morsel I eat and fit in exercise somehow and actually miss out on family time. The exact opposite happened. Because I've been so consistent and planned ahead, I was able to have MORE time with my family. That is my goal. That makes every minute of this worth it.

I've learned I can live counting my calories (which I plan to be a short/longer term goal) and hashing it out at the gym. What I can not live with is knowing I'm obese, unhappy, unhealthy, isolated, and doing nothing about it. What a worthy realization!!

I hope you all had a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend. Keep up the good work everyone :)