New to the group, not to menopause

jbaker1663 Posts: 11 Member
So glad I found this group! I'll be 51 in a couple of weeks and have been going through menopause for about a decade. For the first 6 or 7 years, I could take store brand Estroven and that worked for me. I kept increasing how much I was taking each day and eventually it just didn't work. I have Addison's Disease, as well as thyroid disease, but I have always had a pretty good routine for maintaining my weight-eating well, cycling, and boot camp. As long as I got plenty of exercise, I could still eat carbs (which I crave unbelievably). About 2 years ago, things began to change-the night sweats became night baths, the hot flashes were non-stop, I felt like crying all the time, and over the last 2 years I have gained 30 pounds. I finally gave in and did the bio-identical hormones-there really wasn't an option, as I couldn't function dripping wet, with no sleep, bursting into tears. I had a blood test the first time I went to the doctor (I see a gyno who specializes in hormone disorders) and it showed I basically had no hormones. The cream she gave me made most of the symptoms better, but not the weight gain. I saw her again about 6 weeks ago after I split my skirt open bending over. This was one of the worst moments and I knew I needed to get more help. I'd already been moving more and eating less, but still gaining. That time I had a saliva test done and it showed my progesterone is too low, creating estrogen dominance. This doctor is so helpful-she really understands how all the stuff works. I mentioned to her that I had always thought "calories in, calories out" would result in weight loss. She explained to me why it's not that simple at all. Plenty of people have weight issues because of how they eat/exercise. But plenty of people have other issues and for them it's not "simple." Once she adjusted my hormones, I began losing weight.

I also got a fitbit flex that I wear 24/7. In addition to logging all my food, I'm able to more accurately log my exercise calories. I am trying to cut down on my carbs, although I pretty much try to eat whole wheat bread/pasta at home. The best thing about the fitbit and MFP is that it forces me to be conscious of what I'm doing. When I see I don't have enough steps for the day, I go walk. Sometimes I walk around my house at night to get the numbers up :) I am still eating pretty much like I always have, because I already eat lots of fruits/veggies, low fat, whole grains. The one thing I never get enough of is protein, so I have been working really hard on that. I recently broke my foot and It's hard to burn enough calories when all I can do is walk, but I am doing my very best.

Thanks for creating the group! It's good to hear from other people with the same struggles.


  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,405 Member
    HI! I have a sweet tooth (must have gotten it from my mother...she was the same), but I also have type 2 diabetes so I have to try to be careful. So I understand the carb thing. I DO lose weight when my carbs are low, though.

    I started menopause at 45...I will be 60 next month....and I still get hot flashes. I will start dripping sweat when I am out in a store...people think I am crazy when its the middle of winter and I am tearing my coat off and fanning myself. Even in air conditioning its the same thing...I keep a fan right next to my chair and when I feel a hot flash coming on, I turn on the fan. I get no real relief but....

    I have found that if I don't exercise, I don't lose. Never had that problem before. Never had a belly before, either. All I know is I can never go back to being 218 pounds. I felt lousy, my knees hurt and all I did was eat junk. And I ended up in the hospital with blood sugar over 400. But a person CAN change....I did it for awhile. But I slipped. Now I am back and determined to get to my goal this time. Menopause isn;t going to stop me!

    And as I am typing this, here comes another hot flash....and on goes the fan.. :D
  • dmariet116
    dmariet116 Posts: 530 Member
    Welcome ladies! We can get through this! Its a group effort now! Lol! I am interested in bio identical hormones. It hard finding a doctor that will prescribe. I don't want standard hrt but I have researched bioidenticals. Seems they actually reduce risks of breast cancer, etc while standard hrt increases risk. I will keep looking in my area and in the meantime I use OTC nonprescription estriol and progesterone. Low strength, but I feel they do help.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    ditto! WELCOME GALS! it's a crazy journey, but somehow it's easier to take going through it with folks in the same boat - lol.
    BEST to you!
  • deetee6718
    deetee6718 Posts: 70 Member
    Welcome aboard! I am very fortunate as I went into menopause 5 yrs ago and the best thing was not having Monthlies! Fortunately I have very minor, infrequent hot flashes. My older sister has horrible hot flashes and has for the past 8 yrs so I was scared the same would happen to me. I did have bad mood swings pre-menopause which wasn't good for me or my dear family so I took low dosage anti-depressants which was a good choice for me. Now my biggest challenge is getting these lbs off which is much harder than it use to be. What worked in the past doesn't seem to work now so at this stage of my life it appears I will have to be consistent, commit to exercise and healthy eating. Enjoy the ride!