Early Starters!

Noobette Posts: 15 Member
Hope Hozman121 doesn't mind, but I'm starting this challenge early - today (26 May). I thought I'd start this thread for anyone else who was doing the same, just as somewhere to put a quick daily update on how they were getting on. Think of it as a Twitter feed for this group!


  • Noobette
    Noobette Posts: 15 Member
    26 May: today's gone well, all housework completed, rode 14.5 miles on my bike, had a yummy dinner of home-made burgers & wedges *and* stayed within my calorie goal!! :happy:
  • Hozman121
    Hozman121 Posts: 76 Member
    Don't mind at all. After what I ate today I should start early as well;-)