This weekend was an epic fail!

RavenBeauty87 Posts: 83 Member
Not because it was a holiday weekend but because I had to drive to my dads house. You can NEVER start a diet while at someone else's house. They eat nothing like me so I lived off chips, sweets, pop and other kid stuff. Blah whatever! Going to try SOOOO hard to start today. I looked at my old diary entries and I'm going to start eating like I use to. The only thing about today that I'm afraid will mess me up is I have to go to the store right after work and just like when I was a kid I want to taste test everything I get haha but that I have a little more under control.

I'm going to go back to not eating after a certain time but sometimes that is hard to stick to. I'm thinking 8:00PM is the best time because that is when my binge starts. If I eat one bite of something the monster comes out and the "other person" (as I like to call it) takes total control.

I wanted to go back to the gym today but I HAVE to mow the yard and weed out the garden so I think that will burn enough calories. That is going to be the hardest part for me is going to the gym. When I was really going hardcore it seemed like I could only go 4 days a week and I think that is pretty good. I'm thinking defiantly going to work out on the weekend but there is NO excuse there. If I just get my butt up early (not extremely really) and get it over with that should be fine. So that only gives me two more days through the week and I think Thursday and Friday would be good. Whatever, thinking too much into that.

Blah sucks waking up and instantly thinking about FOOOOD.... I only have $100 to buy food for two adults and a child so ya that's going fun ::tear:: aw well lol

I'll post tomorrow to see how today went!