Need to Vent Why people don't think before they talk!



  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    It makes me feel so much better coming on this site knowing that I am not the only one out their dealing with insensitive people and rude coments while pregnant. The really sad part is this is the second time this lady at work has made some kind of rude comment to me about my pregnancy.. if it happens again I am going to say something to her along the lines of "Your mother obviously never taught you if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all" or something to that effect of please keep your negative thoughts to yourself. I can only imagine how much more difficult its going to be when I start showing even more!

    If it really bothers you sunflower, you should tell her so and that if she makes any further inappropriate comments, you will report her to HR/your boss. She's a bully and it's creating a hostile work environment. She's there to work and not critique you on your figure.

    Sounds like she needs a clue.
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    It makes me feel so much better coming on this site knowing that I am not the only one out their dealing with insensitive people and rude coments while pregnant. The really sad part is this is the second time this lady at work has made some kind of rude comment to me about my pregnancy.. if it happens again I am going to say something to her along the lines of "Your mother obviously never taught you if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all" or something to that effect of please keep your negative thoughts to yourself. I can only imagine how much more difficult its going to be when I start showing even more!

    That's probably the most polite way of doing it. Good for you to not insult her back, (even though I'm sure it's so tempting)! :)
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    I had a kid at the school ask me, on the last day of school, if I was pregnant. I said "no, just fat is all" - just to test his reaction. When he didn't say anything back at all, I told him I was joking and that I was pregnant. He said "well, then you should not be here. Pregnant women should not be allowed to go to work." This really got me curious as to his logic and I asked him to explain. He said "pregnant women should not have to be out here doing what you are doing. You should be home, resting, taking care of yourself and eating good. Your husband should be helping you and doing things for you and doing the working, not you. People here at the school should pick up your work for you and not be making you do it. And, it is just sad you are out here picking up after us kids. You shouldn't have to do it."
    Then, his buddy piped up - "oh come on dude. It is only hard for pregnant women once they are close to the end. She can't be very close, she looks way too good and she isn't even walking slow, I am sure she is fine. Bet she isn't having that baby for a few more months."
    I told him it was more like less than 4 weeks. He stood there a moment and said "okay, you are probably right. She shouldn't be here."
    I just thought it was super funny mostly but I especially loved the part "she looks way too good" coming from a 3rd grader.

    ^^^ This is probably the sweetest thing ever!