Feeling FULL all the time??!!

Since late yesterday, I've been feeling VERY full. There has not been a change in my diet, but today I could not even drink my protein drink for breakfast - put it away after I was only about 1/3 through it. I've been struggling to get my vitamins in and have been barely sipping on liquids, but cannot get past this super full feeling. Any of y'all have this, too? I'm 5-1/2 weeks post-op.

I'm seeing my doctor next week - if this does not clear up in a day or two, may give them a call.

I wonder if this has anything with me accidentally sleeping on my surgery side and stomach last night??

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Thank you!!!


  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    I have always slept on my side (left side) and haven't had any problem. Have you tried semi-freezing your protein drink and eating with a spoon to see if that helps. For the first couple of months I really had to force myself to eat 5-6 small meals a day (which is what my surgeon instructs us to do). I just wasn't hungry and still had some gas issues (probably from drinking too fast and getting too much air in. I love water and couldn't stand the taste of it. Although I did not get close to my water goals for the day, I always made sure to get my protein in.

    A couple of the vitamins suggested were so large I could give them to my horse, so I found other ones that are smaller and gel caps that are so much easier to swallow.

    I would not hesitate to call the Dr. office today and ask if this feeling is normal and/or what could be done to improve it (that's what they are there for). I was sleeved 2/5/14 and still call and ask questions or voice concerns.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Possibly some gas or air in the tummy? I feel really fulll when that happens and I am almost 3 years out. If you can't burp it out, you might want to ask the doc if you can take some Gas-X or some kind of antiacid that also relieves gas.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Are you constipated? Did you eat something that gave you trouble a day or 2 ago? I would call the Dr 's office today. 5 wks no problem then can't get anything down sounds fishy.