Back in the Saddle!

tlmclapp Posts: 4 Member
I see that no one has posted on this board for a while so I thought I'd post a note and see if there is anyone out there who has the same interest in horses, losing weight and other things. I started out 2014 being 40+ pounds overweight. I live in the country so going to a gym every day is not an option. I work from home and recently have had a hard time carving time out for myself. I absolutely love riding and know that is great exercise,but I do need something more. Today I made the promise to myself that I would start walking again. I used to walk 3-5 miles a day when I worked in town but had gotten away from the habit once I started working from home. It has finally warmed up here in extreme northern Colorado and the 3 miles I walked today out on the county roads was pretty good therapy! Anyone else want to join me on this journey?


  • tlmclapp
    tlmclapp Posts: 4 Member
    Day 2, another 3.19 miles under my belt. Has anyone used the Run Keeper app? It seems to be an awesome way to know how much time and distance you've put in. Today walking down the county roads I was able to not only get some good exercise in, but also enjoy the beauty of living along the front range in Colorado! Gorgeous green pastures leading up to snow-capped mountain peaks. WOW! Can't wait to start hitting the trails on horseback!