Round 4 Fat Loss Program

cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member
Day 2 begins today! Excited!


  • Debbi2309
    Debbi2309 Posts: 58 Member
    how are you getting on with round 4, i am on my last week of round 1 and wondering weather to reapeat or try a new round, what are the workouts like one this one?
  • cmfontaine31
    cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member
    I was loving it until I had to work 5- 12 hour days in a row. I have been working two jobs each day for a total of 12 hours only to come home and finish more work. So it's on hold until this coming Monday. I have fallen off the wagon so to speak!

    Regardless, I loved the first few days. I don't look too far ahead in the workout plan. Usually just at the next day to see what I am looking at. This Round offers a low impact alternative each day of the 1st two weeks. But I managed to keep up with the regular impact pretty well! Message me an email address and I will send you Round 4 if you want it. No problem sharing it!
  • Debbi2309
    Debbi2309 Posts: 58 Member
    Hope work has settled down now, after working that .long can be just not practical to do a workout out, esp as some of them can be upto an hour or so. I wish I saw this earlier I have purchased the round 4 the other day when I saw on there facebook page that it was on offer, I have round 1,2,4 and the 8 week busy people as well as the meal plans so if is any of them you dont have and fancy trying I will happily share it with you too, am on round 2 now done the first week and am enjoying it, its kicking my butt tho and was sore day after.