Conquering Fears

Healthy4Sarah Posts: 57 Member
This weekend I conquered a fear that I wouldn't have a few months ago. We have a steep hill in our back yard and I have only been down it once in the 7 years we've lived here. It's hard to get down it safely and a worry that I couldn't get back up. This weekend my daughter wanted me to go down with her and I said I would go too until I got to the edge and looked down. I stood there for probably five minutes trying to decide if it was a good idea. Hubby tried to convince me not to go when he saw my hesitation (and probably the fear on my face lol) but I reminded myself what I've been saying since starting this 'stop living life on the sidelines' and went down. It wasn't that bad and I got a great workout coming back up. It felt like a great accomplishment.

I've heard lots of fears voiced in this group. What fear have you conquered? What have you done lately, big or small, that wasn't possible in your book a month or year ago?


  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Hmm, well one thing your post reminds me of is the slope at my MIL's yard. It is really steep, not a hill size thing though, but I always used to walk around it, I am clumsy anyway and with the weight and lack of calf muscles I knew id twist my ankle or slip or something. The other day we were there looking at the yard work they had been doing (which btw I had to fake enthusiasm for as I have NO interest in gardening at all but I try to be a good DIL lol) and my son and grandma went down the slope to go to the back area. I hesitated at the top and my DH likes yours saw and said I could walk round if I wanted but I shook my head and went for it. If my older MIL can bloody take a slope with a 5 year old leading her like speedy Gonzales you better believe 60lbs down I am gonna follow lol.

    This winter or next I want to push myself to some of the fun winter stuff people do here, sledging etc. The problem there is the weight wasn't the only thing stopping me, I am terrified of heights!
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    The fears I have begun to concur, are more a combination of my obesity and social anxiety. Once I can think of is I went to the running store to get shoes fitted. All 300lbs of me strolled into a store filled with beautiful skinny people in trendy tight fitting running cloths and asked for assistance. I talked with them about my exercise and was helped in picking out the right shoes. I felt like a fish out of water but left as a fish with a nice pear of shoes. I posted on facebook to friends and clients about my weightless, not something I would have done in the past. I'm not comfortable with people knowing about this journey, partly because I get both embarrassed and angry at people acknowledging it, giving encouragement or praise, and most especially advice. I went to bed bath and beyond and bought a bathroom scale wich felt like I should have been wearing a sign flashing "fatass" as i walked with it to the checkout counter. I've gone walking in the early evening along a path that takes me to the middle of down town. I walk with my 90degree arms past all the restaurants and people on the sidewalks with a water bottle in one hand a sweet dripping down my back. I would have been too embarrassed before so I usually walked at night.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    All of you BRAVO! RatPat, that is a stunning combination of things you have overcome. I think for me just going out and walking on the city streets especially passing a restaurant was a big one for me last week. Last summer I hid away in my lunchroom all summer long.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I walk home from work in my skintight workout pants (yikes!). The streets I walk on are busy around that time, and I'm a sweaty mess. I barely think about it at all now, whereas a month ago I would have been mortified.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Fears conquered

    - trying to get healthy AGAIN, since I've always failed in the past. Since 2/19, I'm down almost 25 pounds, and it still seems mostly surreal.
    - going to a new endocrinologist - just trying to figure out what is wrong with my body. Everyone always gets frustrated and gives up on me, especially since I NEVER have all the symptoms of any condition. It is extremely crazy-making.
    - putting myself of blast with EVERYONE I KNOW, both here (by making my diary public), with my doctors, and on Facebook (amazingly, I'm not getting goofball advise, mostly support, though a couple of well meaning friends telling me I don't need to weigh me food and be accountable - that just willpower and "knowing" should be enough...and that coming from someone overweight and diabetic herself!). The number of times I've tried and failed, I'm sure everyone looks at me and laughs, thinking, "there she goes again." Giving them a double or triple take has been fun.
    - not giving up at the first, or fiftieth, speed bump or obstacle that pops up in my way. Giving up would be so much easier.
    - attempting to jog/run. Doc told me it would be horrible on my knees, but with my stress levels, sometimes pounding the pavement was the only thing that could "beat" it out of me... I've gone through some minor injuries, some aches and pains, the mental image of a short little fat girl jiggle-jogging, and still I did it for ME! It has helped some, and I don't do it all the time, but the fact that I can, even while still Morbidly Obese, is mind-blowing.

    I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones I can think of at the moment.
  • Healthy4Sarah
    Healthy4Sarah Posts: 57 Member
    What great lists of accomplishments! Here's to many,many more!:drinker:
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    This isn't really a fear, per se, but something to conquer... I'm going to sign up for the Peaks to Portland race (2.4 mile ocean swim from Peaks Island to East End Beach in Portland, Maine) for next July and train for it for the next year. My "marathon."
  • fpelletier
    fpelletier Posts: 365 Member
    Way to go everyone!!! I don't think I have any that I've really conquered as of yet. Maybe soon!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    That is awesome Knit! And Karen- so proud of you! I can't wait to see you pass that lane hogger in the race!

    The Facebook diet thing is a first for me but I am opposite. This is my first go around not posting every single accomplishment, or struggle or he'll, even meal on FB. It started with me being ashamed I gained 60lbs back, then I didn't want my Advocare friends or past clients to know, now, it just feels good to keep it private. That is probably why I am over here blabbing so much. In person, there is nothing more horrifying to me then talking about my weight. And of course, the second anyone knows you are on a diet, that is all they want to talk about. Funny, online and in my head, that is all I think about.