How long has anyone stayed on strictly shakes?

I am a little over 3 weeks out and dropping weight like crazy (32 pounds since surgery day) doing an hour of cardio a day. I've been cleared for soft foods but haven't found anything that stays down without discomfort. So premier protein shakes it is!! I'm gonna stay on the shakes as long as possible, they give me the protein I need and I'm taking all the required vitamins. Spoke with my doctor and he had no problem with it. Checked my Ketones today using a strip and am in the highest level of ketosis. This all seems like the optimal recipe for maximum weight loss. So what I was wondering does anyone see a downside or have information I might need? :) thanks!!


  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    I only stayed on shakes as long as I had to...I could not wait to actually eat something. I do still have one here and there. When I asked my dietician about it she said the ultimate goal is for you to get all of your protein from food. They didn't want me to rely on the shakes. You are a better person than I am because I wouldn't have been able to keep going on shakes alone. Congrats on the weight loss so far! You're making great progress!
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I was thinking about doing the same thing when the time comes. My wife recently bought a Nutribullet, so I have been having a smoothie for breakfast 5 days a week, and one for dinner 4 days a week, with maybe some grilled chicken or fish.
  • cutty805
    cutty805 Posts: 54
    I only stayed on shakes as long as I had to...I could not wait to actually eat something. I do still have one here and there. When I asked my dietician about it she said the ultimate goal is for you to get all of your protein from food. They didn't want me to rely on the shakes. You are a better person than I am because I wouldn't have been able to keep going on shakes alone. Congrats on the weight loss so far! You're making great progress!

    I know I can't be on them forever and I was excited to finally try some food too. Refried beans didn't sit well, egg whites made me feel sick, yogurt wasn't horrible but i still felt kinda gross. So I just threw my hands up and went back to shakes!
  • cutty805
    cutty805 Posts: 54
    I was thinking about doing the same thing when the time comes. My wife recently bought a Nutribullet, so I have been having a smoothie for breakfast 5 days a week, and one for dinner 4 days a week, with maybe some grilled chicken or fish.

    Seems like your on the right track 20 pounds is awesome congrats! I've been thinking of picking up one of those nutribullets myself.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I was thinking about doing the same thing when the time comes. My wife recently bought a Nutribullet, so I have been having a smoothie for breakfast 5 days a week, and one for dinner 4 days a week, with maybe some grilled chicken or fish.

    Seems like your on the right track 20 pounds is awesome congrats! I've been thinking of picking up one of those nutribullets myself.

    Thanks. The nutribullet works very well, provided you follow the instructions and don't overfill it with liquid. It blends everything to a pretty smooth consistency.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    The advice of my medical team was try to progress your diet and eventually not to drink your food if you don't have to, (while maintaining at least 70g of protein per day, of course). I was more than ready for purees\soft foods right on schedule but everyone is different. That said, even at 7 months out, I do at least one drinkable protein supplement per day. I have to do that or a quest bar to even get close to my 70g. Stay in touch with your medical team with regard to diet progression and follow their advice. You'll do fine.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I think it all depends on the surgeon on how long they want you to do shakes. My surgeon didn't want me to drink shakes on a daily basis after 2 months post-op. He wanted me to eat my nutrition, not drink it.
    On the other hand, my friend used a different surgeon and he advises patients to continue drinking at least one shake in place of a meal every day basically forever unless they are having a hard time stopping themselves from continuing to lose once they reach their goal weight. He told my friend it was fine if she drank shakes in place of all 3 meals a day if that's what she wanted to do. She's 2 1/2 months out.
    I personally never found a shake that sat well enough on my stomach or tasted good enough that I wanted to continue drinking them. After I was back to any kind of food (3 weeks post-op) I chose to get all my protein from food. I have maybe drank a dozen shakes in the past 2 years.
  • cutty805
    cutty805 Posts: 54
    The advice of my medical team was try to progress your diet and eventually not to drink your food if you don't have to, (while maintaining at least 70g of protein per day, of course). I was more than ready for purees\soft foods right on schedule but everyone is different. That said, even at 7 months out, I do at least one drinkable protein supplement per day. I have to do that or a quest bar to even get close to my 70g. Stay in touch with your medical team with regard to diet progression and follow their advice. You'll do fine.

    Thank you very much for your feedback!!
  • cutty805
    cutty805 Posts: 54
    I think it all depends on the surgeon on how long they want you to do shakes. My surgeon didn't want me to drink shakes on a daily basis after 2 months post-op. He wanted me to eat my nutrition, not drink it.
    On the other hand, my friend used a different surgeon and he advises patients to continue drinking at least one shake in place of a meal every day basically forever unless they are having a hard time stopping themselves from continuing to lose once they reach their goal weight. He told my friend it was fine if she drank shakes in place of all 3 meals a day if that's what she wanted to do. She's 2 1/2 months out.
    I personally never found a shake that sat well enough on my stomach or tasted good enough that I wanted to continue drinking them. After I was back to any kind of food (3 weeks post-op) I chose to get all my protein from food. I have maybe drank a dozen shakes in the past 2 years.

    I think that's the reason it's been easy due to the fact I found a shake that I like and I'm getting 90 grams of protein a day. I appreciate your feedback and insight, thank you!