I don't want to cross these plains alone!

There is nothing like Spring and Summer to motivate. I have a long journey ahead...I don't want to cross these plains alone. Add me, inspire me with your awesome successes big or small. I'm sure it will help me as well.


  • Jujubees813
    Jujubees813 Posts: 24 Member
    I was just telling a friend today that of all the times to start a healthier lifestyle this is a perfect time! These fresh fruits and vegetables are just begging to be eaten! My success has been 5 days of healthy eating, while I work in a kitchen at a preschool. There are so many tempting dishes to try, and I only tried a couple mini applesauce muffins! I am super proud of myself on that one!
  • mslissalyn
    That is awesome. I think the little things like that are what get me. I have 4 active growing kids. Next to... "Mom" the most frequent phrase is "I'm hungry." That is especially hard for someone who excels in cooking and baking and enjoys making others happy. :) I have cut back on my baking and have increased my perusing and shopping in the Organic sections. Usually I have a nice garden by now...school has been pushed back until the 23rd of June (extra week of snow days). But, we did get chickens and look forward to eggs in a couple weeks.