Time to ride!!

Lukejacksmum Posts: 30 Member
Anyone else like me and struggling to fit in the time to ride?
The kids are on holidays again!!! , I have elderly family to look after and even thinking about getting a few hours a week on my bike is a nightmare ???? all I want is some ME time, lol x

How do you guys fit in the time to ride? HELP, please xxx


  • mdstamand
    mdstamand Posts: 169 Member
    I have a family also lot's siblings, in-laws, as well as some aging parents. Recently my mother, 82 yrs old, fell and broke her arm just below the shoulder. We, the children, are trying to pick up the work and errands for them. I also have lot's of school functions, sports, weddings, parties, graduations, anniversaries that go along with family.

    I live 4 miles from my work place and work night shift so what I do it ride to work and on the way home (@ 7am) I stretch it out to a 30 mile ride or so. I have the advantage of no small children waiting for me at home so if I get home from work at 9 a.m. instead of 7:15 a.m. nobody cares.

    It's tough to make time to ride but it does wonders for your mental and physical health.

    Good luck with your search for time.
    Keep the pedals turning.
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    If you work at an office, maybe consider leaving a bike at work and riding for a while @lunch?
    (One guy I see uses a folding bike at work...keeps it right next to him desk.)

    Or if at home, maybe get up 30 min early to ride before the daily activities take over. :)
    Just make it a regular thing that you "have to do." Leaving it optional all the time...makes it something you won't fit in.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    I commute to work & home on mine weekdays - 13.5 miles each way (shortest route), work provide Showers, lockers etc. I do longer rides at weekends...

    I've just spent last month (May) riding 6 on 1 off & completed 1081km's (671.7 miles)!

    It can be done, you just have to make time and have the confidence to do it!