Just starting out...

Jujubees813 Posts: 24 Member
A little about me. I'm a full time working wife, I want to be a mom so badly, but the doctor says that he needs my blood pressure and weight lowered before he'll start me on any fertility stuff. We've been trying for 4 years to get pregnant and I didn't think I had let myself get that unhealthy that I couldn't be helped, but I guess I did. I'm 5'6" and weigh 185, I carry most of my weight in my stomach though so I am constantly getting the "Oh when is your baby due?" questions, which stings even more since we're not able to get pregnant! But I use it as motivation. I've had enough down times and it's time to get my rear in gear!

I'm looking for any motivating friends that will cheer me up when I'm hangry (even though I'm not really every hungry with my new plan I'm on, sometimes I just want a piece of pizza or cake. Just one...or three or four!). I have tried other LDS groups on other websites and it became a lot of belittling and what not, so I hope this isn't one! Anyway, that's me, a pizza craving, 50 hour work week working wife and wannabee mom! :D