flying with 7 month old!

shelbz123 Posts: 48 Member
hey girls! so I am flying with my 7 month old next week. it is our first trip and it is just the two of us. I would love any advice !


  • lj3jones
    lj3jones Posts: 94 Member
    I flew with my then almost 9 month old by myself a few weeks ago. logistics, the airline staff should be more than helpful about getting through security and onto the plane on you own. That should not be an issue. luckily our flights were short. I nursed during take off and when he started to fuss at landing and he was fine. basically they need either the sucking or swallowing motion to prevent the ears from popping. either nurse, offer a bottle or cup or a pacifier during take off and landing and you should be fine.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    It's annoying to lug a bunch of stuff around, but cram your diaper bag with as much as you can, and more than you think you'll need. Snacks, extra clothes (for you and baby, you never know when there will be a bad diaper leak/spit up/etc - my 19 month old had TWO pee leaks during our travel last month, one in the terminal, one on the plane), toys that are easy to wipe off if they land on the floor. Don't be afraid to ask the flight attendants for help, and don't worry about what others think if your baby isn't all giggles and coos during the flight. We got a comment from an older lady after our last flight (LO was cranky - it was close to nap time, and she didn't like being confined when all she wanted to do was run around), and we just brushed it off and kept walking. Honestly, the younger they are the easier they are to fly with, so I'm sure you'll do just fine! :)
  • melindenmark
    melindenmark Posts: 279 Member
    I am flying from denmark to New Zealand with my LO in december (she will be 8 months). Its a 27 hour flight and must admit i am nervous!! Thank god my hubby is coming with us so i have a extra set of hands to help me out :D
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    Get the baby their own seat and use the carseat. It's not only safer, but it's SO much easier to handle moving around and getting in and out if you need it.
  • kozlow27
    kozlow27 Posts: 53 Member
    Get the baby their own seat and use the carseat. It's not only safer, but it's SO much easier to handle moving around and getting in and out if you need it.

    I agree, baby having their own seat with a car seat is much safer and easier. I took a 3 hour flight with DH and DS back in April. DS had his own seat (he was 12 months at the time) and it made it much easier for DH and I to move around in the plane. And it was more comfortable for all of us. I gave DS a plastic cup (asked for one from the flight attendant) to play with and that made him happy. I also gave him yogurt melts during take off and landing to make sure he was swallowing and keeping his ears clear. I did take him out of the car seat after the seat belt sign was off and he was getting fussy. Nursed him during those times. All-in-all it was pretty smooth considering doing anything with a 12 month old for longer than 30 minutes is a challenge.
  • pamarita
    pamarita Posts: 2 Member
    Less is more! I flew with my baby 4 times, and found the more crap I had with me the harder it was. Bring a few extra bucks to buy drinks and snacks during layovers, get a compact snack stacker, load with with goodies. No noisy toys, they just annoy people and you can't hear them on the plane anyway. Good luck, stay calm! And if you are breastfeeding, whip it out! Trust me people would be happier to see your boob than listen to a crying baby.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I haven't flown but I drove my 2 month old 12 hours each way to visit family, and used a waterproof diaper cover over a disposable diaper for extra security against blowouts. You KNOW murphy's law is strong when it comes to timing a big poo.
  • jmacdow
    jmacdow Posts: 8 Member
    As a frequent traveler with 2 kids, I find that its MUCH easier when theyre 7 months.

    Here are my tips: 1 - Phone the airline ahead of time and find out what kind of sleeping accommodation they have for babies and if they have a special belt (which is attached to yours) for take off and landing. Also find out if they carry baby food.

    2 - if youre using formula, then make sure you follow the security procedures for bringing liquids on to the plane (ditto for baby food).

    3 - on the plane with you, bring 1 diaper for every hour flying (to be sure). For packing you don't need to bring many since most places around the world will sell them.

    4 - bring/use a back carrier (and ditch the stroller). It is by far the easiest way to have both hands free and carry baby around. Also since you'll be in a new place, it offers extra comfort for the baby.

    5 - bring 1 extra set of clothes for every 3 hours flying.

    6 - try to time bottle/breat feedings around landing/taking off times. Babies ears hurt.

    7- if the flight attendant wants to hold the baby, by all means enjoy the 5 min break!

    8 - do not worry if the baby cries. If youre overly worried, then bring earplugs to pass around. If people want a cry free zone, they should hire a private jet.

    9 - bring a changing pad (even if you usually don't use one). Airplane bathrooms are disgusting.

    Relax, enjoy the adventure and have fun.