
OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
I know there is more to this than what I am currently doing while running. I am a total mouth breather and I'm sure that is wrong.

What's a runner to do, what is best?

Is this just a "What works for you keep doing" or should I focus on this more?



  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    I always breathe through my mouth while running. It's only a problem if a bug flies in. :laugh:
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    I am a mouth breather as well. I have a rhythm that I try and follow of inhaling for three steps and exhaling for two. I have heard that alternating steps that you start your inhale on spreads the impact load onto both legs, but I don't know if there is science to back that up. It works for me :)
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    I vote for what works for you. Make sure you have good posture so as not to restrict breathing but after that I subscribe to "breathe somehow" :) BTW, I have NO idea how I breathe but I imagine I'll think about it tomorrow :)
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    I've always been a mouth breather. I have heard it isn't as good. I sometimes try breathing through my nose but find I don't seem to get air fast enough. Apparently I just don't know how to breathe right!
  • actlc
    actlc Posts: 84
    I do mostly 3 nose in, 2 mouth out now (at least over 85% of the whole running duration)

    When I started running last year, it was impossible for me to breath through nose at all. So I was a mouth breather. But after running for like six months, I started coughing more and more and sometime would cough while sleeping.

    That made me tried to breathe through nose again. Surprisingly, I was then able to do that without too much problem. Maybe because my lung capacity had improved.

    Now my coughing has significantly reduced and that probably means it helps keep my lungs cleaner.
    Another benefit is my mouth won't be dry like a sand paper after running.
  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    After reading Jurek's book, I've been trying to breath more out of my nose or nose and mouth. On easy runs, I've got it down (not sure how much good it really does, but it gave me something to focus on for a while!) I believe my rhythm is in,in, out.
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    I breathe in through my nose for two steps, out through my nose for three. This is how I pace myself on my slow runs as I know this breathing through my nose means I am in my first heart rate zone (60-70%). I can tell when I am getting closer to the next heart rate zone when I have to start breathing through my mouth. I also am about a 180 cadence. It has taken a great deal of focus to make this a routine. As for the faster paces, usually through my mouth unless that just isn't fast enough.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Why think about it? Your body has been breathing for you all your life. Why try to force it to breath another way?

    This is one aspect of running that I give absolutely ZERO thought to. I just run and let my body get the oxygen it needs the way it always has.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I mouth breathe too and have been doing ok. Except for those flying pieces of cotton that are freaking everywhere right now.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    Why think about it? Your body has been breathing for you all your life. Why try to force it to breath another way?

    This is one aspect of running that I give absolutely ZERO thought to. I just run and let my body get the oxygen it needs the way it always has.

    I've noticed when I start thinking about my breathing is just about the time i start to struggle with my breathing. It's much better when I am not paying attention and just let my body figure out it's natural rhythm.

    That being said, I know I do breathe through my mouth, and sometimes when I start to pay attention and start to struggle I will get a side stitch. When that happens, breathing through my nose for a few minutes really helps. I have to breathe really deep to get in enough air and this seems to help the stitch subside.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    Why think about it? Your body has been breathing for you all your life. Why try to force it to breath another way?

    This is one aspect of running that I give absolutely ZERO thought to. I just run and let my body get the oxygen it needs the way it always has.


    Running isn't swimming, you don't need to be careful or have rhythmic breathing. Trust me. Just run.

    I never really understand why people think there's a magic trick to breathing.. Are you a former swimmer? Maybe that's why.

    I've ran a 5:35 mile, 19:56 5k, 1:33 (7:06 per mile) for a half, 3:27 full BQ (7:55 per mile)..

    You don't need to think about it!
  • NorthCountryDreamer
    NorthCountryDreamer Posts: 115 Member
    I have long-since stopped worrying about breathing (nose/ mouth or whatever). There are three things I think about with running. I consider my stride/cadence. Short fast turnover means faster running with less impact. I sense my heart beat. If my heart rate is soaring then I need to back off. I think about running comfortable and easy with good posture. When my breathing gets too even then I probably running slower than I want to.
  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    I think concentrating on breathing is just something I can focus my mind on. I think its the martial artist in me; breathing rhythm is so important in everything you do in MA that, when I read Jurek's book and he talked about breathing it just kinda clicked with me. ( also the positioning on your arms and trying to have them not cross your center line-- never thought mine did until I actually concentrated on it...but now I see how you can breath better and run more efficiently with good arm placement)

    I find myself counting sometimes, just to put my mind on something...a focus. I will count on the out breaths to get through the last .5 miles of a race sometimes. My husbands laughs at this (I guess I sometimes do it a but audibly lol which I hadn't noticed until he paced me on a 10k---which I ran sub 43!!) , but I guess I did it through all 4 births with my maybe it's just my natural escape to count things!!!!
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Mouth. I'm most at my comfort zone when I breathe from my mouth besides I love to hear my heavy breathing creepy sounds. :laugh:
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    After reading Jurek's book, I've been trying to breath more out of my nose or nose and mouth.

    I did the same thing, my efforts lasted about 10 minutes.
  • lockeddoor
    lockeddoor Posts: 103 Member
    I'm a nose breather, and I think that's also "wrong" (in that I breathe in AND out only through my nose). Or at least it's "wrong" according to recent things I've read on the internet. But, that's how I have always breathed while running, even as a kid. In, In, Out. That's my rhythm. I do that for a long time and then I start alternating with mouth-breathing once I get into double-digit miles and I'm running faster than is comfortable (depending on pace. If I'm going at "race pace", I become a partial mouth breather past mile 10, in that I start inhaling through both my nose and mouth, because I'm pushing myself harder. My "casual run pace" I can nose-breathe the whole way no matter the distance because I'm so used to that pace). For what it's worth though, one of my lungs is never going to function at full capacity due to traumatic injury and subsequent scar tissue, so that probably affects the way I breathe when I run, so I may not be the best person for advice on breathing! :laugh:
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I breathe through my mouth... when I try to breathe through my nose when I'm running, I can't get enough air! Do whatever works for you. I don't think there's a magic trick to it... just breathe so that you get enough oxygen :)