week six goals and reward!

df1982 Posts: 147 Member
Hello to everyone who is still with us!

This has been a good week for me. I met all my goals, and am feeling great as we kick of the second half of this 60 day challenge.

I have FINALLY managed to fit in some "me time" - I read at least a few pages of my novel this week! The wellness component of this challenge has really been the toughest one for me to dedicate myself to. Oddly enough, the fitness part has been the easiest. What's your experience been like so far?

Goals for this week:

Eating - continue with my second Whole30

Fitness - do 3 C25k runs with my dog, do level 3 of the 30 Day Shred video 3 times

Wellness - read my novel three times this week (even if just a couple of pages :)

Reward: a new case for my iPhone - I've dropped it one too many times


  • JoyfulToday
    JoyfulToday Posts: 22 Member
    df1982, I agree with you that the wellness part of this challenge is the hardest. I think many modern women would agree, which is a testament to our busy, stressed out, go-go-go lifestyle. In my opinion the wellness component is the most important for long term success in the other areas. Making wellness a priority is certainly something I need to think about!

    week 6 nutrition goal- I am going to do a 3 day juice cleanse! I have not done one before and am very excited. I know I will be hungry and try to eat other things.

    fitness- I would like to move 10,000 steps 5 days this week.
    wellness- I would like to complete the third unit of my health coach program :) I haven't been making enough time to study, and I am making it a priority!

    reward- new Burt's bees products to replace my non-natural skincare