Kassidi21 Posts: 267 Member
Losing weight is great, but the number on the scale isn't the only thing changing. NSVs (non-scale victories) are just as important!! And just as much worth noting!!


  • Kassidi21
    Kassidi21 Posts: 267 Member
    I know it's technically still May =P but i had a NSV I shared on my profile that i thought would be a good start for this thread!!

    !!!NSV!!!! =D I'm down another notch in my belt!! I am bowling High 5 this weekend and my pants kept falling!! I finally said screw it and attempted to tighten the belt, and i could COMFORTABLY!!! =D I also was able to buy a size smaller in pants for tomorrow! They're a little snug, but it's a size smaller!
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    not that long ago i was looking in the mirror wondering where i lost the weight. the scale is down but i still look the same to me. I dont normally wear belts but noticed i now NEED to wear them. After pulling my old belts out i saw i was using holes that i never was able to use before. That was a good feeling!!
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    I am in work tonight wearing new uniform that I had ordered, have went from a 42" waist to a 34" in my trousers and from XXXL in a polo shirt to a Large. The amount of compliments I have got tonight is unreal, I suppose because I have still been wearing my old baggy uniform my losses haven't been as noticeable to my colleagues, well they have now. :laugh:
  • ashkiener
    ashkiener Posts: 23 Member
    Today I am wearing my smaller pair of jeans that I couldn't wear all winter because they were painfully tight. They're still a little tight but at least I can wear them again! That's a great feeling and a great motivator to keep working until they fit even better. It's amazing how much better I feel now that I'm watching my sugar intake as well. :)
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Today I am wearing my smaller pair of jeans that I couldn't wear all winter because they were painfully tight. They're still a little tight but at least I can wear them again! That's a great feeling and a great motivator to keep working until they fit even better. It's amazing how much better I feel now that I'm watching my sugar intake as well. :)

    That is brilliant, some times wee moments like that are even better than seeing the results on the scales :drinker:
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    This weekend and last weekend I've rode many miles ... nearly 100.

    I feel more energetic, I am certain that my legs are much stronger, since my average travel speed is higher...

    My back is holding up well which was by biggest concern.

    Even though the scale is moving in the wrong direction... I feel really good, and much better than I have in quite a few years.

    No doubt I'm improving my diet as well!

    Life is GOOD... That's my NSV!


    Carl -
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    I am in work tonight wearing new uniform that I had ordered, have went from a 42" waist to a 34" in my trousers and from XXXL in a polo shirt to a Large. The amount of compliments I have got tonight is unreal, I suppose because I have still been wearing my old baggy uniform my losses haven't been as noticeable to my colleagues, well they have now. :laugh:

    Great Job!! That feeling is unbeatable!
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    Awesome Job Carl!! I want to start riding but i can never make more than 15 min LOL
  • tpeirona
    tpeirona Posts: 572 Member
    This morning, I was pondering what to wear when I thought to myself, "Hmm maybe I'll try on my favorite plaid button down." Mind you this button down hasn't fit me for probably 1 year or so but when it did fit, was one of my favorites. Lo and behold, put it on, buttoned it up and it fits perfectly! Wearing it today at work and couldn't be happier. Woot Woot!
  • antrobin
    antrobin Posts: 73 Member
    Victory over the cookies and ice cream at picnic. Veggie burger, coleslaw and fruit filled my plate!!
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 765 Member
    Victory over the cookies and ice cream at picnic. Veggie burger, coleslaw and fruit filled my plate!!

    This is great! And sounds good! It really is the smaller things that lead to the big ones!
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Someone told me I looked skinny. I'm no where near skinny but it still felt good. They said my waist whittled away
  • heather_dunphy
    heather_dunphy Posts: 53 Member
    On the 4 of July I was looking for shorts to wear to our outing and had a pair in the back of my closet and figured why not try them on. To my surprise they fit comfortably and that's what I wore to the outing. When I came down the stairs I had the biggest smile I could not wear these last year they were so tight they didn't even come close to buttoning. This is the first time I have noticed a change even though I have been losing weight.
  • antrobin
    antrobin Posts: 73 Member
    Heather, I imagine that you still have that smile on your face. Great Job
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    Heater... don't you dare back off...:grumble: . You really did Awesome last month... :smile: Stick with your program and don't tweak it too much....

    Based on you ticker... you're about 11 lbs. shy of loosing 30 lbs. ... You really could be there at the end of this months challenge..

    Say this right now.... "I'VE LOST 30 LBS." ...now do it again, ...and then tell me how good it feels.... :glasses:

    Oh and a sidebar... You'll also be digging in the back of that closet again and fitting into other things you enjoyed wearing a long time ago!

    Buckle down and make it happen.... You'll be so proud of yourself for doing so!

    Carl -
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    [bizgirl26 wrote:]
    Someone told me I looked skinny. I'm no where near skinny but it still felt good. They said my waist whittled away

    You've lost 42lbs. That's Fantastic!

    Here's something that you can try for reality check!

    The next time you are grocery shopping, go to the meat dept. Find the economy size packages of ground beef.... (you know 10 or 15 lb. size package), load into your cart 42 lbs. worth.... look at it a bit and as you put it back know that what you've lost is equal to what you're returning....

    That is why you are looking skinny! :smile:

    Thanks for sharing too... the NSV are my favorites!

    Carl -
  • ashkiener
    ashkiener Posts: 23 Member
    We did some shopping today and I bought some shirts that were a size smaller! I'm starting to feel more confident about my body again and it feels great. :)
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    Today Im wearing a new outfit that actually fits my new body. its 2 sizes smaller than i was in March. It proves that i actually have a waist again ;) The best compliment was from my husband, and all he said was "WOW". Feeling great today!!
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 765 Member
    hirstl - that is awesome!. I still have a ways to go but I can now wear some workout clothes that I have not been able to wear for 2 yrs.

    One of the women I work with yesterday complemented me on my weight loss! :-)) Big smile! That's the stuff that keeps us going!

    Way to keep at it everyone!
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Today Im wearing a new outfit that actually fits my new body. its 2 sizes smaller than i was in March. It proves that i actually have a waist again ;) The best compliment was from my husband, and all he said was "WOW". Feeling great today!!

    Fantastic!! Keep that feeling and use it to motivate yourself even more. Great work!!