Pelvis is starting to hurt!

meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
My pelvis/hips/lower back suddenly has started really hurting! I mowed the lawn for an hour yesterday and felt fine until afterwards. I'm thinking the loosening joints must be starting up or something. I'm almost 24 weeks now) I'm really hoping to start seeing a chiro by the end of month. Anyone else currently seeing one? Is it helping with joint pain? Anyone else starting to get the pelvis/hip pain? Its given me a knot in my mid-back. If anyone knows any good stretches I can do or strengthening exercises, please share! Thanks!


  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Pregnancy yoga helped me a lot! Also, there is a video somewhere on YouTube for how to on pregnancy stretches that is good. I found a few of the stretches that I do on that.
    Aside from that, I see a massage therapist. I will never go to a chiropractor again. 3 different chiropractors all extremely disappointing. I have found so much more help and relief through massage!
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Oh wow I know it's okay to exercise after getting pregnant but isn't mowing the lawn kind of extra strenuous??? Sorry if that's a stupid question!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Oh wow I know it's okay to exercise after getting pregnant but isn't mowing the lawn kind of extra strenuous??? Sorry if that's a stupid question!

    Not really. You're supposed to be able to continue doing things you've always done and I don't find it strenuous at all. But it must have been to some degree. I get the same issue from walking on the treadmill though, so I think its just my pelvis loosening up. My husband gave me a really good backrub tonight and that helped a LOT! I'm going to try to start doing yoga/stretching each day, too.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Yes and no. I was suffering with symptoms of extreme exhaustion around 28 weeks. I explained them to my doctor and he said I needed to slow down and take it easy. I said, 'I haven't been doing anything I don't normally do.' And he said 'well, then you can't be doing things you normally do. Anything that sparks these symptoms needs to be avoided.'

    Typically, you can continue doing most of the things you would normally do. However, if it is hurting you, you need to stop.
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    I've mowed the lawn my whole pregnancy with my son. my husband works long hours and unable to do yardwork. I haven't mowed since becoming pregnant with this pregnancy(and you can definitely tell by the way the lawn looks lol) but I desperately need to tomorrow. My kids need to be able to play in the yard, Lol. Its normal to get pressure/cramps after activity. Are you drinking enough fluids? Sometimes if you don't drink enough then you can experience lots of BH. I used to walk miles and miles during my pregnancy and I would get crampy and feel like my uterus is going to fall out. lol but it always subsides after a few days of rest. My OB told me the more kids you have, the more BH and crampy you will get because you already have other kids that keep you busy and moving. Definitely bring it up at your next appointment to get a professional opinion.
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    ok I completely misread the post. hahaha. I see your having back pain/ pelvis pressure. You're body is carrying all kinds of extra weight in the front (belly, more boobage(hurray), fluids) probably the extra pushing of the mower caused you to spasm up. I'd rest up a few days to heal up. Hope you can figure it out. Aches and pains suck
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks! Incidentally, I have had a lot more braxton hicks, and earlier, this time around! Especially after activity. (This is my 3rd pregnancy). I was thinking back and I'm pretty sure I had the same sort of pelvic pain start up around this time in my last pregnancy. I've needed to see a chiro for a long time anyway b/c I do have some chronic back issues. My left shoulder blade pops and grinds and causes spasms in my neck, etc. My left hip also pops every time I rotate it. I know these things must be exacerbated by hormones and the weight I've already gained so I shouldn't be surprised its already starting up. It just sucks b/c I love being active. I have had to scale back my exercise intensity a lot already. Even walking on the treadmill has been super hard lately. I don't do much stretching at all, so I bet that will really help if I can start doing it daily!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I have pelvis issues, and I'm slowing down sooner with this pregnancy (24 weeks now, didn't slow down until early 3rd tri last time). Mine feels like it's going to split in half, and walking is the worst exercise for me (but it's hard to avoid walking!) I see a massage therapist for my back (I swear, the second I get pregnant I get a kink in my back that lasts until the baby is born), and my midwife gave me the go ahead to see a chiro, as well as an Rx for physio for my pelvis. I think I'd go the physio route first because it's covered by insurance. Anyway, I've been taking shorter walks and slowing down when I need to, and it seems to be helping. I also try to plan my exercise around my schedule to avoid ending up sore. We had a big day of errands planned for Saturday, and knowing that would tire me out and aggravate my pelvis I had a rest day on Friday. The only walking that day was a short stroll around the block with my toddler on her trike. I also prioritize household stuff, I tackle with the "must do" stuff first, and anything "frivolous", which for me is baking, I only do if I really feel up to it (I don't really need baked goods in the house, anyway!). Some things I just plain tell my husband I'm not up to it and he looks after it. Anyway, long story short, I feel your pain, and agree with tiggerhammon about slowing down a bit.