Week 3 Challenge

strawmama Posts: 623 Member
Another reflection challenge.
I want y'all to come up with 15 things you have learned since you began your weight loss journey.


  • litchfieldd
    litchfieldd Posts: 43 Member
    I would emphasise that while I have learnt the following I am still working on their application!

    No particular order (and there are probably many others)...

    Don't obsess about the scales - health and fitness matter more
    Weight loss = honesty + maths + consistency + time
    Honesty and consistency are the hardest to achieve but logging helps a hell of a lot
    Always log, even if you overeat and go way over a goal
    Aim for a weekly balance, don't obsess about a single day but try to compensate over the week
    Getting results is way more satisfying than short term food fix
    I eat more than I think
    Feeling hungry probably doesn't mean I actually am
    If I have a craving, make a note and satistfy it later the same week: learn self-control not abstinence
    Food & booze are great ways to celebrate - but celebration doesn't have to mean excess
    I don't actually need to use as much oil, butter, spreads for taste/cooking
    Food is fuel, justify the amount you want by moving more
    Running feels amazing despite whatever my muscles might tell me at the time and afterwards!
    Find enough focus but don't take it too seriously - there is more to life
  • ashleighrose13
    ashleighrose13 Posts: 16 Member
    1. Don't beat yourself up when you slip up.
    2. Don't slip up too often (goes with #1)
    3. Stop obsessing over food and just relax and go with it.
    4. Always eat breakfast.
    5. Sadly, beer is your enemy.
    6. You can't skip dieting on the weekends.
    7. Salads are delicious and awesome.
    8. Gotta exercise. (i'm still terrible at this)
    9. Plan ahead
    10. In conjunction with #9, Sundays are a great day to cook all day for the week ahead.
    11. Don't do it alone. So happy I have everyone here.
    12. Your weight will fluctuate week to week, don't get upset.
    13. Slow and steady wins the race
    14. Get creative with recipes so you're not eating the same meals all the time.
    15. When you succeed, even at the smallest goal, TREAT YO' SELF.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    This is a great challenge. We all need to refocus ourselves every once in a while. Good list to look back on when we're struggling. I'm currently struggling, so I'll have to come back to this post and write up my list when I'm a bit stronger.
    6. You can't skip dieting on the weekends.

    I WISH. Unless I'm willing to do 2 hours of HIIT or something else insane, no I most certainly cannot gorge on spaghetti.
  • litchfieldd
    litchfieldd Posts: 43 Member
    Crepes, maybe writing your list when you are struggling is the perfect time even if you don't share just yet. Recognising what you have learnt may help you appreciate how far you have come :)
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Crepes, maybe writing your list when you are struggling is the perfect time even if you don't share just yet. Recognising what you have learnt may help you appreciate how far you have come :)

    I agree!
  • startingover72
    startingover72 Posts: 151 Member
  • nitrospop
    nitrospop Posts: 122 Member
    1. I have learned that Keto is clinically developed and has been around for 90 years
    2. I really can live without bread, pasta, potatoes, and sweet tea!
    3. There are some damn delicious recipes on ruled.me!
    4. Eating healthier costs more.
    5. Bulletproof Coffee is freaking delicious!
    6. My knees love me 20 pounds lighter.
    7. I've become a better chef
    8. There are a lot of sensible choices when dining out if you take time to read the menu.
    9. I've learned how to make a new hole in my belt
    10. I've learned more about my body and how to fuel it more efficiently
    11. I have a new found love for creamed spinach!
    12. I've learned at least 8 different ways to prepare eggs!
    13. It takes very little effort find an excuse NOT to move.
    14. I have become a student of human biology and have learned more than I ever thought possible about how what I eat effects me at the cellular level.
    15. Even with no support at home, I'm not going this alone.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    1. Food is not an anti-depressant.
    2. Blaming treatable medical conditions is no excuse for gaining weight and not wanting to do anything about it.
    3. If you don't love yourself, it makes it that much harder for others to love you too.
    4. You can't pick and choose where the weight will come off. For instance, I can now wear a medium shirt, my boobs are nearly gone, and there is still a 10 inch difference between my waist and hips.
    5. I still use food as a comfort/boredom mechanism. Knowing this is not enough, but I'm slowly getting there.
    6. I have a gluten sensitivity. I've known this for some time, just didn't want to have to give up so many things.
    7. I am my biggest supporter. Most people in my life do not care if I'm trying to lose weight.
    8. Stress can/will change things. It's up to you to remove the stress.
    9. Weight loss is not linear. The scale will go up, down, and possibly sideways. Daily, weekly, monthly. As long as the trend is downward, no worries.
    10.I used to be very lazy. In the past, a typical day at home would only result in about 2,000 steps.
    11. I am obsessed with my Fitbit and my Fitbit stats.
    12. I keep leaning on my husband to "help" me, and when he doesn't come through, I still get mad. Need to stop this, if he doesn't want to be healthy, it's no excuse for me not to.
    13. I can count on y'all daily. You understand the challenges and celebrations, even if to everyone else they are small. Thank you!
    14. If I write it down, I will do it. Some form of OCD I suppose.
    15. I can do this. Whether slowly, or quickly, it will happen. No rush.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Where's everybody at?