Gloves vs No Gloves?

lilmissmanx Posts: 81 Member
Does anyone else wear gloves for crossfit? They're kinda frowned upon at my box.

I would rather put the time in to build up a decent callous, but at the moment I wear them because i'm renovating a house and I can't afford to have shredded hands while i'm using things like plaster, paint stripper, cement powder etc. That would be ouchy! But I still feel sorta like i'm being judged a little for wearing them. But i'll keep wearing them as long as I need to!



  • petzilla
    petzilla Posts: 15 Member
    Gloves or "***** Mittens" are frowned at probably by every gym; been lucky so far I haven't torn but I do keep a pair of gloves with me should I need them.

    If you tear it is not a accomplishment it takes you out of your workout and shreds your money makers depending on your business, wear gloves when you need to I personally prefer the way that the bar feels in my bare hand over a glove.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Generally speaking gloves are a waste. They end up hurting my hands more than they help.

    That said, I was at the Northeast Regionals yesterday and half the competitors were wearing gloves for at least parts of the last two workouts. And several of them (including Austin Malleolo who finished fifth) badly burned their hands doing the handstand walk. I'm talking second degree burns.

    So you can't say gloves never have their place, but that building a callous and/or proper hand maintenance is a better option.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    I have started wearing gloves - mainly for TTB as my hands fail before my strengh does. My hands just get ripped from them!

    Half our box wears them, the other doesn't - no-one judges. I get my callouses (and therefore hand protection) from everything else I do.