June goals

lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
mine.. sort my arm out!


  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I haven't really decided yet what my goals are going to be this month, I'm waiting for SS to weigh in on food timing on my priority thread thing.

    1. Do more than one unassisted chinup.
    2. Actually deload on my squats and OHP if I need to, instead of just saying I will.

    1. Do at least one 60 min or 10 km run each week
    2. Run stairs at least once a week
    3. Do tabata training circuit once a week
    4. Go hiking twice this month

    Food Stuff:
    1. Log every single day, and stay under my calorie goal every single day, once I decide what that goal is. I need to do this for 4 weeks so I can get an accurate gauge on where my TDEE is at.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    I have a couple different ones...

    Nail down my squat form so I can start progressing to the really heavy weights
    Get past 45 on the OHP
    Deadlift my bodyweight (130 lbs)
    Just keep progressing on rows and bench

    Oh... and build some better safety bars so I feel better about going to my limit. My rack is one of those two-part stands with less than a foot of catch bar sticking out, and it doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

    Go swimming at least once or twice a week now that I work right next to the pool.
    Get better about staying on track with food... My primary goal is losing the rest of the "freshman fifteen", but I always end up with a weekly average that's 100-150 calories per day over the amount that actually works for me, so I have to remind myself that going over once in a while is fine, but every day just screws thing up.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Got my OHP into the 90's Yah....
    5lbs from BW squat...sometime this week (*I hope)
    HIt Maintenance
    Work done on squat rack
    haven't shopped yet....
    Got the estimate back from SS and Sara...30%... getting an appointment for an actual test now to see exactly where I sit.

    So my June Goals..


    1. Get back up to my deload weight for squats (180lbs), currently @ 160 for Wednesday
    2. Get to triple diget OHP...moving from 90lbs after today
    3. BP 140lbs...lofty goal but gonna try
    4. Get 4 chinups in....did 2 3/4 straight arm in today
    5. DL get to 250 (Lofty again)
    6. Rows good form on 125lbs (deloaded for form)

    Other exercise:

    1. Start HIIT sprints...maybe on bike even
    2. Walk at least 20 miles in June (mapmywalk tracks it so will be easy to track)
    3. Bike the loop...I know I said by end of summer but did half already...


    1. Get to maitenance calories adding 50 a day each week so should be there by end of month
    2. Hopefully start a recomp so gonna take pics and measurments this week.
    3. eat some ice cream....I haven't had it in a very long time...Ben and Jerry's is calling my name
    4. Get my garden in so I can have fresh veggies/salad and homemade salsa etc.
    5. Get the rest of my flower beds cleaned up and mulched. I did the big one that goes around half the house yesterday...took 4 hours....
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    This month for me is all about losing the fat and keeping up routines.
    1) My weekly long run to be 7km
    2) stick to my calorie goal
    3) stick with my lifting program (AKA deload after 3 fails, not just when I feel lazy)
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    hmm #1 is probably don't psyc myself out about this new gym where they have these pro lifters. Didn't go today because it was my first day at the new job, need to pack my bag and just do it tomorrow.

    Still trying to decide if I should deload this month or not so I can try to curb my appetite. I finally hit bodyweight DLs which was a goal! So maybe after this week once I show off my skills at the gym? hah....The bf and I have renewed dedication to helping me cut so hopefully between the 2 of us not going out to eat as much it helps.

    -Still work on getting back into a regular running routine. May have to run after work before my 40 minute drive home or it might not happen...At least I should get out for a walk at lunch time if the NC heat doesn't kill me. If I can use my badge on the stairs to get into the office I want to take the 5 flights up instead of the elevator too.
    -Do more assisted pull ups. I was so sore when I had time to do them the other day.

    -Enjoy summer. Like more pool time, especially once my summer online class is over in 2 weeks.
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    I started SL last week, so my basic goal for june is to stick with it :-)
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I have only one goal this month. Squat my bodyweight. That means I have limited chances of failure, because I am at 105 right now.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    It's going to be a rokcy month for sure, but I'm actually testing 2RMs and 1RMs next week so I'll have a good evaluation :)

    - Squat BW (185lbs) . I'm convinced I have it in me already. I just need to try it!
    - Sub 3 minutes 30 burpees. Because AROOO! (Also want to get my BW Gauntlet numbers up. ALL OF THEM!)
    - 100lbs snatch. My 1RM power snatch last month was 85, I think? With the added depth to catch the bar, maybe I'll make it!
    - 25 min 2.5 mile run. Cuz that's the next step to my sub 30min 5k goal. :)

    Weight-wise I already had this goal set for my high school reunion (on the 28th) of 180lbs (I think? or it was 182. It's written down *somewhere*) so still shooting for that. 32% BF if possible. I wanna stick to it without logging the way I've been doing lately because it's so much less stress, and I want to prove to myself that I can do it even without the accountability. I'm a big girl naw!

    I'm also running a 7k obstacle race in 2 weeks so I really want to give my all there!
  • yjackson08
    yjackson08 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey! I'm new to the grew and to SL! I just fnished Jamie Eason's LiveFit trainer last week. I'll save a bulk of the introduction for another post, but I will say that I've seen a good bit of change over time. I feel it doesn't show as well in pics as it does in person.

    My current stats:
    5'4", 155lbs, 27% body fat (by Omron bioimpedence scale measurement)

    I went to test my 5 rep maxes this morning. So far I've got:
    Bench: 85lbs
    Squat: 125lbs
    Bent over row: 85lbs
    Deadlift: 115lbs (I see what "they" mean by deadlifts being really taxing on your body)
    Overhead press: 55lbs

    I'm going to rest and try again on Friday morning, this time not dabbling so much with this weight or that so pre-exhaustion is taken out of the equation.

    June lifting goal: Squat my body weight. Just did the math, and I could potentially get up to 170 lbs.
    Cardio: Haven't decided on HIIT workouts of my own design, T25, or low-impact, steady-state cardio and if on lifting days or in-between.
  • F1GHT4F1T
    F1GHT4F1T Posts: 66 Member
    the gym i go to is always crowded so i have yet to actually utilize the squat rack. my goal for june is to finally be able to so that i can see just how much i can lift.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    GET BACK TO THE GYM!!!... I MEAN it randomtai!!! Get your *kitten* back to the gym!!!!

  • missjeanlouise
    missjeanlouise Posts: 80 Member
    GET BACK TO THE GYM!!!... I MEAN it randomtai!!! Get your *kitten* back to the gym!!!!


    HA! Me, too. I've been running but haven't lifted in 2 weeks. :-(
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I'm at 135 pound squats, 10 pounds from my goal! Actually 13 since I weigh 148. GR! lol
  • yjackson08
    yjackson08 Posts: 12 Member
    Reporting in.
    I started Herbalife in the midst of the month. I've lost 3 lbs and some 4 inches on my waist. My squat is now 150lbs, deadlift 135, and bent over row 90. My bench and overhead press are uncomfortable/leading me to stall in the last two reps of the last two sets. I'm considering either using the smith machine, switching them to 3x5, or dropping down to the bar as the program instructs. I've tried "deloading" the 10% but it hasn't helped.

    I'm also giving Herbalife a break in order to intake more calories to help my lifting. Plus, my budget has tightened more and I'd rather spend money on real food and experiment with IIFYM.

    Also in the midst of the month, I had adductor extreme soreness. I took the week off from Stronglifts but did Dana Linn Bailey's Delt Homicide and a back workout I pulled from Jamie Eason's LiveFIt along with some cardio in between.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    This month for me is all about losing the fat and keeping up routines.
    1) My weekly long run to be 7km
    2) stick to my calorie goal
    3) stick with my lifting program (AKA deload after 3 fails, not just when I feel lazy)
    1)got it this morning 7km in just over 52 minutes
    2)hahahahaha no... I've gone back to setting my deficit to 250 cals but try to stay 100-200 under that. 500 just wasn't happening constantly.
    3)achieved, all of my deloads were after 3 fails
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Well I got back to the gym... now to work on my intake for July.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    - Squat BW (185lbs) . I'm convinced I have it in me already. I just need to try it!
    - Sub 3 minutes 30 burpees. Because AROOO! (Also want to get my BW Gauntlet numbers up. ALL OF THEM!)
    - 100lbs snatch. My 1RM power snatch last month was 85, I think? With the added depth to catch the bar, maybe I'll make it!
    - 25 min 2.5 mile run. Cuz that's the next step to my sub 30min 5k goal. :)

    Weight-wise I already had this goal set for my high school reunion (on the 28th) of 180lbs (I think? or it was 182. It's written down *somewhere*) so still shooting for that. 32% BF if possible. I wanna stick to it without logging the way I've been doing lately because it's so much less stress, and I want to prove to myself that I can do it even without the accountability. I'm a big girl naw!

    1) Hit it like 2-3 day safter posting it. Almost had it for 2 reps, even!
    2) Haven't tried. I'll hit the gauntlet during my next deload week so we'll see
    3) Not even close. Not even sure I've even made any progress. Ah well, can't win 'em all
    4) 26 minutes is close enough, right?

    5) Yeah. No. Gained weight. Ate like crap. Insane month to be fair but I really need to get my food intake sorted out.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    My working weight is currently 145, but tested my squats with my trainer today and effing smashed my BW goal. I hit 185 today, and so could've gone 195, but we ran out of time.

    Feeling awesome.
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    For my june goals:
    I sticked with stronglifts the whole month! \o/ and still love it.

    The only big let down today was taking my "progress" pics, which didn't show a single change since I started SL 5 weeks ago.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Well I totally blew my June goals. I ended up taking nearly half the month off and didn't really progress either in lifts or weight /inches. On the other hand I started a couch to 5k running program (after I decided I wanted to....oh, last summer) and got a fitbit so I'm starting to get a clearer picture of my overall activity and nutritional needs. So a mixed bag, I guess.