Looking for other HS Mommas!

LoriRoshawn6 Posts: 8 Member
Hi ladies ~ My name is Lori, hs'ing momma to 6. I was here about a year ago, but am jumping back on the bandwagon. Just looking to perhaps chat with some other hs'ing mommas for support & encouragement. Hs'ing has it's own unique challenges for weight loss, as we all know!

Anyone wanting to chat here & there?!


  • Healthymom_5
    Healthymom_5 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi Lori! I will join you! I'm a HS mom of 5 also getting back on the bandwagon, needing to drop 30 lbs and get consistent exercise into my day! Always something going on at home that seems more "important" but I've got to do it! Nice to have the encouragement.
    AHASRADA Posts: 88 Member
    Hello ladies! So glad to see some more activity on this board :)

    I am always open to support and encouragement with ladies who share something in common with me. Homeschooling is a huge part of my life!

    I have 3 kids, ages 17, 14 and 3. We've been homeschooling since day 1, so 12 years so far. I let my weight get really out of hand over the last 5 years or so, and finally took a stand to address it for the last time about a year ago. In that year I have lost 60 pounds and gotten into great shape. I'm working on finding a balance in my relationship with food and exercise that I can maintain for a lifetime as I try to burn off these last 10-15 pounds.

    I completely ignored myself and my own needs in favor of my family for many years. I thought I was doing the noble thing, but really I was using the "martyr complex" as an excuse not to be active and snack all day. I now realize that the old adage of taking care of yourself so you are better able to care for others is really true.

    I work out in the AM before anyone else wakes up, and also walk on the treadmill while the kids have their lunch break. Having everyone at home has its advantages, as the big kids can keep an eye on the little one while I do other things.

    Looking forward to getting to know you!
  • AusTexNatalie
    AusTexNatalie Posts: 1 Member
    It would be SO much easier if the school table wasn't in the kitchen!!! On top of that, I can't leave the 10-yr old to do his schoolwork unsupervised because he won't.
    14 lbs gone (not lost - because I never want to find them again!) out of 40 lbs.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I'm a homeschool mom with just one child left. I homeschooled my older three, then adopted and started all over! This one is an 11 year old girl who needs a lot of attention. I was here at MFP for a couple of years, when she was kindergarten and first grade, and did great. I got away from it, and have gained 40 pounds. Sigh. Need to get back on and keep up with taking care of myself. I love visiting with other homeschooling moms!