Quick question

abashir525 Posts: 7 Member
Some days my 10 month old son refuses to eat solids, so he will just breastfeed all day (about 5 times during the day and 2-3 times at night) I've been giving myself 300 extra calories a day since he started solids about a month ago. My question is; do you think I should eat more on the days that he's exclusively breastfeeding? Any input would be wonderful!


  • lj3jones
    lj3jones Posts: 94 Member
    how often is it happening? are you extra hungry on those days? If you are extra hungry, I don't think it would hurt to eat more, but if it is only once a week or less, then I don't think you have to eat more if you are worried about supply. I think the exclusive breast feeding days are going to do more to help your supply than anything else (I'm having serious supply issues with my almost 10 month old).
  • abashir525
    abashir525 Posts: 7 Member
    how often is it happening? are you extra hungry on those days? If you are extra hungry, I don't think it would hurt to eat more, but if it is only once a week or less, then I don't think you have to eat more if you are worried about supply. I think the exclusive breast feeding days are going to do more to help your supply than anything else (I'm having serious supply issues with my almost 10 month old).

    It happens about 3 times a week and it's hard to say if I'm hungrier. I'm hungry ALL THE TIME! There have been some times where he wants to nurse and starts screaming because nothing is coming out. I'm just not sure if this is due to a low supply or not.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    how often is it happening? are you extra hungry on those days? If you are extra hungry, I don't think it would hurt to eat more, but if it is only once a week or less, then I don't think you have to eat more if you are worried about supply. I think the exclusive breast feeding days are going to do more to help your supply than anything else (I'm having serious supply issues with my almost 10 month old).

    It happens about 3 times a week and it's hard to say if I'm hungrier. I'm hungry ALL THE TIME! There have been some times where he wants to nurse and starts screaming because nothing is coming out. I'm just not sure if this is due to a low supply or not.

    That is classic growth spurt :) You don't have low supply, you have normal supply and his marathon nursing days are increasing your supply in a normal way - it makes sense you would need more fuel if he is having a growth spurt. Usually those days tend to be in a row and then ease up.

    Are you eating ANY extra calories for breastfeeding right now? If not, then I would absolutely eat the 300 more on those days.
  • abashir525
    abashir525 Posts: 7 Member
    I have my intake set to maintenance that way I don't have to add in the 300 extra per day manually. So I am eating more that MFP suggests, on his days that he only breastfeeds maybe I'll add in an extra 100 calories. I've never breastfed my other children this long so I'm not too familiar with the nursing tendencies of older babies. Thanks for all the help!