Sugar Free Gum - Artificial Sweets

joianett Posts: 79 Member
hi Ladies,

Question .. I am 31 weeks and have been chewing sugar free gum EVERYDAY my entire pregnancy, for the most part and anywhere from 4 pieces to ... DON'T JUDGE ... almost an entire pack. It's a nervous habit I have at work. Anyway, I never thought much about the artificial sweetener in it. I don't drink/eat other sugar free foods but now I, after googling, I am freaking out.

I'm curious if anyone else has consumed anything with artificial sweeteners in them and everything's OK!!!


  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I was a borderline fail on my GD test and the nutritionist said they were fine in moderation. Which honestly, if it's just gum, I'm totally sure you're fine. I was a diet coke addict while pregnant, from basically day 1. Sometimes several a day. She said not to worry.
  • joianett
    joianett Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks for the sweet reply! I know I sound crazy but I had a lady tell me that it could causes baby to have "issues"
    And so forth so what do I do... Go to
    Ole reliable google lol
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I drank coke zero in my first pregnancy and my son is now nearly 5 and perfectly happy and healthy!

    I don't have artificial sweeteners any more, but I don't think they did me or my son any harm.

    Years ago, I used to drink diet coke and chew gum at work to stop myself eating. Not the best thing, I know, but I don't think it actually harmed me.
  • joianett
    joianett Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you for responding. I really appreciate it.

    I know there is a LOT of mixed information on whether they are safe and that is why I do not consume them in large amounts. With that, ijust never gave much thought to GUM. I know, I know ... common sense but still did not think about it and of course reading reviews and other chat rooms responses about artificial stuff, freaked me out bad.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    When you look at actual studies, there is no evidence that it causes issues. A lot of what you are going to see on Google is people saying their own opinions and acting like they are fact. I think I had sugar free stuff after I was diagnosed with GD because I really couldn't have sugar - stuff like the flavored cream for my coffee and maybe a Coke Zero here and there.
  • melbwhite
    melbwhite Posts: 16
    I chew SF gum all the time and haven't had any issues. I try to eat as clean as possible so to me the gum is too small of a percentage to be worried about. Ask your doctor at your next appointment if its still bothering you , but IMO you're fine. :)