GIRO Team 3 Apology.....

dolcezza72 Posts: 171 Member
Hi Team 3. I just want to say sorry. I hardly rode at all during the challenge.

I have kidney failure, stage 3, from a large blood loss issue I experienced a few years ago.... normally it is not a big deal, I can manage it totally fine with meds, etc. but I got a horrible flu a few weeks ago and still haven't been able to get past it. I was in the hospital for a few days and am still trying to get my feet under me. I rode the first week and tried a couple times after, but just couldn't do very well. I hate talking about my kidney stuff because i don't like it to define me, but i feel like I owe you guys an explanation.

Please accept my apology,


I will refrain from joining the team challenges for a while :)


  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    Feel better and get well
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Be well and don't worry about it. Its all for fun.
  • Cycle_pathic
    Cycle_pathic Posts: 172 Member
    No apology needed...your health is most important!! Be well!
  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    Even the pros have health issues that take them out, no need to apologize here. Get better soon!
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    No apology needed...your health is most important!! Be well!


    You can't legislate for illness!

    Get well soon!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    I can only repeat what everyone else has said - no apologies needed - indeed, the person who was to take your place had a bit of a tantrum and flounced off, so I reinstated your km's... and, that 109.4km could well have made the difference between team #3 finishing the entire distance or not... indeed without those km's and matsprt's final days ride, team #2 would have come up short.

    As I've always said - every little helps - every single km ridden can make the difference, and all contributions are gratefully received.

    And Ultimately. it's all about getting fit and healthy... sometimes we get fit and healthy by getting out and training on the bike, and other times, we get fit and healthy by taking the time to heal and to regain our fitness.

    This Challenge has had more than it's fair share of problems - ranging from the awful unseasonable weather we've had in the UK, to bouts of "stomach problems" - kidney stones - a damaged knee 2 days before the start - a house move - illnesses in the family - someone who's "undercarriage" was only held together with stitches and superglue at the start of the Giro and some poor benighted soul being forced to spend a week at Disney...

    And through all that, we've gone out there, and we've smashed it... 4 teams, 6.6x the distance of the Giro... BOOM!!!

    We're awesome... ALL OF US!!!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I can only echo what the others have said and say get better soon. Amen to what The Big Yin said. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: