Body Shape Change

homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
I feel out of proportion. I seem to be losing in my arms and legs, but not the middle! I was always well proportioned- even when I started this at 325- distribution was pretty even- now I think I look like a pear with pretzel rods sticking out for arms and legs and little cherry tomato head ( can you guess what I have in my snack bag today….). I've read that strength training can help burn that middle fat. I do both cardio and strength regularly, but I'm wondering if anyone else noticed a change in thier proportions/ shape and when they started to even out?


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Honestly, it seems like a total crapshoot as to how we lose and where we lose from first. Also, some areas will be saggier than before, even with working out, because there is nothing left to fill in those areas any more. I figure I probably won't know how I will really look until I am at my goal weight. From what I have heard, it isn't really possible to burn fat just from one area. Keep up what you are doing, it's definitely working, and you will probably see things even out!
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks! Glad I'm not the only one that isn't sure how they're shaping up - so to speak!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I, like you seem to have the middle of my body as the main epicenter of fat. Though I lose from my scalp to my feet I lose less at my core, especially the pelvic region. I still have a fat lump on my tailbone and TMI ALERT!!!! An overweight pudenda. I mean how is this possible??!! I laughingly tell my Pooki to get it together :). I promise her Nicole Miller panties but she just sits there like a sulky princess!
  • Ashl3yOh
    Ashl3yOh Posts: 3
    Hot Yoga does wonders for skin tone, muscle tone, strength and stress. Even at 370 lbs I was able to do a 90 minute hot yoga class (some moves are modified of course). I love it! I'm only just over 3 weeks post op, but am dying to get back to my mat!
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    Since I began doing planks and several crunches lifting the rear and holding I have begun noticing more of a loss in that area and so have others. I'm 4 months out and am really concentrating on upper arms, thighs and tummy areas. I know these are the areas that are the hardest to get toned and probably will never be what they used to, just doing the best I can to minimize the jiggle. Also using my elliptical daily and swim a couple of times a week adding in my own cardio exercises in the water. I will probably begin yoga in the fall.

    Of course the first thing to shrink was my breast - right where I don't need it. Everything else seems to be fairly even. I would like to be able to wave without the after-shocks in the loose skin.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    I, like you seem to have the middle of my body as the main epicenter of fat. Though I lose from my scalp to my feet I lose less at my core, especially the pelvic region. I still have a fat lump on my tailbone and TMI ALERT!!!! An overweight pudenda. I mean how is this possible??!! I laughingly tell my Pooki to get it together :). I promise her Nicole Miller panties but she just sits there like a sulky princess!

    Had to look that word up - learn something new everyday!
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    We all gain and lose very differently. I gained like one of those sponge toys that expands in water in all directions. Fortunately I have lost the same way and by working with a trainer I have made positive gains. Can't emphasize enough how important my trainer has been.

    Yes - you can do it on your own, but considering how much medical help needed to get started why wouldn't we go that extra step to ensure success? As for cost - coonsider how much money we are saving on food. Apply some of the food savings to pay the trainer. I know in my case the food savings far outweigh the $40 weekly trainer cost.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I'm lucky, I gained proportionally and always carried it pretty well, considering, and I've lost proportionally as well. My legs seem a bit bigger than the rest of my body, (skinny pants that fit in the waist are too small in the legs and my capris bunch up at the knees when I stand up now), but I think that's mostly due to the primary form of exercise I've chosen. Cyclists have big legs. I'm doing some plank, push ups and crunches to try and combat the unevenness, but I think as long as I'm biking 5 days per week my legs will feel like tree trunks. The sad thing is, my thighs are still a bit lumpy and the giggly skin makes me self conscious enough that I still won't do shorts in public. So capris that bunch at the knees when I initially stand up is it! And Maxi skirts. A small price to pay for my health I guess!
  • Shannie312
    Shannie312 Posts: 46 Member
    I, like you seem to have the middle of my body as the main epicenter of fat. Though I lose from my scalp to my feet I lose less at my core, especially the pelvic region. I still have a fat lump on my tailbone and TMI ALERT!!!! An overweight pudenda. I mean how is this possible??!! I laughingly tell my Pooki to get it together :). I promise her Nicole Miller panties but she just sits there like a sulky princess!

    This gave me a good laugh, you and me both, mango!
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    You guys are great- and Mango made my day! I'm still feeding a family and am now buying more costly but better quality food- so there hasn't been much savings realized. I think the belly flop is always going to be a bit of an issue- but like you all said- I'd rather have that than the all over fat I had before. I may try planking or bar excercises at some point to have some impact on that area. And- glad it's not just me...
  • JodiLynn062514
    I love it!!! I was hoping I wasn't the only wondering what the heck that was!!!!
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    i'll bet anything that my stomach will be last to go. Way back when I did the HCG diet, my stomach was the FIRST to go. I absolutely couldn't believe it. Especially after birthing twins.

    Sometimes I wonder if it would be weird to do that diet, complete with the injectable HCG while sleeved. Because this belly ain't pretty and it ain't gonna be pretty skinny either, but better ugly skinny, than ugly fat.

    I'm rambling.