Food on VLCD

I know we are supposed to stick to our shakes and just have our "emergency meal" here and there. When you guys decide to eat instead of having a shake what do you find yourselves eating? We went out to dinner with a group from our church on Saturday night and I wanted to eat and not sit there and drink a shake. So, I got a lean cut of steak and side of veggies (no carb at all). I also had some vodka water (2!!) even though I know alcohol is off limits. I researched and found vodka only has 64 calories and no carbs so thought I would be safe with that. It was easy to get back on track with my shakes after that meal and hoping I didn't "blow it" by eating once. I still tracked everything on MFP and numbers looked good.

Also, I never realized this but I was a little sick on Thursday and Friday last week so was taking Nyquil to sleep. Did you guys know that Nyquil has 15 CARBS in one dose!?!? I felt horrible on Friday when a friend who follows low carb all the time told me how bad it was for a low carb diet. What can ya do? I was sick and needed relief, never thinking that medicine would have carbs. I'm going to stick with the liquid gels from now on!


  • yellowdaisy3321
    yellowdaisy3321 Posts: 107 Member
    We have a food list for eating on the plan with types/weights of protein choices and veggies that are allowed. So if we find that we'll be somewhere we need to eat we eat off our allowed list. Alcohol is not allowed on our plan either because of the sugars not the carbs.

    We also have a list of allowed medications, if it's not on the list we have to get permission before we can take it.
  • KaileighMorgan
    We have a food list for eating on the plan with types/weights of protein choices and veggies that are allowed. So if we find that we'll be somewhere we need to eat we eat off our allowed list. Alcohol is not allowed on our plan either because of the sugars not the carbs.

    We also have a list of allowed medications, if it's not on the list we have to get permission before we can take it.

    My weight loss center doesn't have any sort of approved medication or food list. :(
  • Ladybug_Karen
    Ladybug_Karen Posts: 123 Member

    My weight loss center doesn't have any sort of approved medication or food list. :(

    Did you not get a on-boarding book/binder with info? I didn't get a food list but the meds are in there. I'll try to write down the meds for you (everyone) that are in my book tonight.