Triathlon Training


I am a runner (averaging about 25-30 miles per week) and am interested in training for a triathlon (probably Olympic distance but I'm not really sure). I was wondering if those who have experience in triathlons had any recommendations for training plans or books that might help me get started? E.g. what gear is needed? How many days per week do you train for each activity? Do you train with a club or on your own? Just not even sure where to start. I would probably be training for a race some time next spring, as most of the tri's in my area were in March-May, but I like to plan. Also, my swimming and biking fitness is far from competitive at the moment :)

Thanks for your help!


  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    My husband used the book "The Time Crunched Triathlete" for his training. It has an 8 hour a week training plan. He also uses classes at the YMCA. Here they have a Spin/Run combo class and also a Swim, Spin, Run combo.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    Jen, paging, Jen!
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member

    I am a runner (averaging about 25-30 miles per week) and am interested in training for a triathlon (probably Olympic distance but I'm not really sure). I was wondering if those who have experience in triathlons had any recommendations for training plans or books that might help me get started? E.g. what gear is needed? How many days per week do you train for each activity? Do you train with a club or on your own? Just not even sure where to start. I would probably be training for a race some time next spring, as most of the tri's in my area were in March-May, but I like to plan. Also, my swimming and biking fitness is far from competitive at the moment :)

    Thanks for your help!

    Good places to start:

    Books: Triathlon Training Bible by Joel Friel, Time Crunched Triathlete by Chris Carmichael, any book by Matt Fitzgerald. Swim specific books would be Swim Speed Secrets by Sheila Taormina


    Basic Gear: Swim- one piece suit, goggles, swim cap

    Bike- Bike in working condition. For an Oly I'd say a road bike is best, but you could get by on a hybrid with slick tires. Helmet, if you have clipless pedals you'll need bike shoes, tri shorts

    Run- shoes, number belt

    I train solo during the week and in a group on the weekend. I'd say find a tri club in your area and join. Most of my friends I've met through my tri club. It gives you access to people with more knowledge, people to train with, and people to hang out with on race day.
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member

    I am a runner (averaging about 25-30 miles per week) and am interested in training for a triathlon (probably Olympic distance but I'm not really sure). I was wondering if those who have experience in triathlons had any recommendations for training plans or books that might help me get started? E.g. what gear is needed? How many days per week do you train for each activity? Do you train with a club or on your own? Just not even sure where to start. I would probably be training for a race some time next spring, as most of the tri's in my area were in March-May, but I like to plan. Also, my swimming and biking fitness is far from competitive at the moment :)

    Thanks for your help!

    Good places to start:

    Books: Triathlon Training Bible by Joel Friel, Time Crunched Triathlete by Chris Carmichael, any book by Matt Fitzgerald. Swim specific books would be Swim Speed Secrets by Sheila Taormina


    Basic Gear: Swim- one piece suit, goggles, swim cap

    Bike- Bike in working condition. For an Oly I'd say a road bike is best, but you could get by on a hybrid with slick tires. Helmet, if you have clipless pedals you'll need bike shoes, tri shorts

    Run- shoes, number belt

    I train solo during the week and in a group on the weekend. I'd say find a tri club in your area and join. Most of my friends I've met through my tri club. It gives you access to people with more knowledge, people to train with, and people to hang out with on race day.

    This pretty much covers it. I didn't follow a plan for the sprint and olympic I did this past spring. I just did 4 runs a week, 3 rides, and 2 swims. I probably over trained for the distances I was doing. I would say bare minimum you need to complete a tri for gear is tri suit, goggles, bike and helmet and running shoes. Race belt is nice, but not 100% necessary, IMO. However they are cheap so if budget isn't too much of a concern get one. I didn't train with a club but if you have one to hook up with that's a great resource. I do go on rides now with my ladies tri group. Riding in a group is much safer than alone. Also I did a lot of my bike training indoors in spin classes, I think they're a great way to gain leg strength when you're starting out. Oh and I know you're in Canada so check on lake temps for the races you're doing and see if you need a wet suit or not.

    It's overwhelming when you start out, there is so much info out there. So I would start with the basics. Just get out there and swim, bike and run. You'll pick things up as you go along and figure out what works for you.
  • julie_emma1
    julie_emma1 Posts: 146
    Thank you everyone for your feedback! These tips are so, so helpful and I really appreciate it :)