Intro, and anyone read Your Eatopia?

sarahnc_ Posts: 47 Member
Hey guys. I've just recently come to terms with the fact that I have an eating disorder. An MFP friend posted a link to a Your Eatopia article about restrictive eating disorders and extreme hunger, and it just kind of suddenly hit me, that I'd been lying to myself the whole time, and that my counting and preoccupation with food was not normal or healthy. I have not started seeking treatment yet as I'm currently working abroad. When I get home I will seek counselling etc.

But just wondering if anyone in recovery has read the Your Eatopia articles, or used the the MinnieMaud method for remission, and what your experiences were. Also if anyone that is in remission or recovery is available to pm, I'd love to have someone to talk to!


  • starcollapsing
    starcollapsing Posts: 57 Member
    Yes, it's generally good advice. But you have to not overthink and make the decision for yourself ultimately.