What did you do to include/prepare siblings for baby/birth

I don't want my daughter to see me in pain, so I will not have her with me at all until I am good and epiduraled for sure. I want her to feel a part of it and feel special as the new big sister. Just curious what others have done, so I can start preping anything ahead of time before the exhaustion of pregnancy kicks in. I do plan on getting her a big sister gift from the new baby, but I'd like to know other ideas.


  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    My son is only 22 months so he doesn't understand a lot of what is going on. I absolutely did not have him in L&D when I had the new baby and I also got them little gifts to give to each other. The only thing I can do to really include him is to bring me little things that I might need. I have him bring me the babies diaper or if we are sitting down I will have him point to the babies nose, ears, eyes, hair, etc.
  • HeyNikkita
    HeyNikkita Posts: 147 Member
    I have been telling my 3.5yo that Mommy won't be home for a couple days but she will come see me several times at the hospital. She is staying with the G-units which is her "second home" and she is already comfortable spending the night.
  • melaniedsm
    melaniedsm Posts: 55
    I guess what makes me feel most nervious is how little she is. I am not sure she will fully get it. I don't want her to think we left her to go get this other baby and you know. She goes to daycare during the day, so mostly night is what worries me.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My son was 22 months when I had my first daughter, and he didn't really understand. I was induced because she was overdue, and my parents stayed and looked after him. I was only away just over 24 hours luckily. I got him a gift from her, and just made sure I gave him lots of love and attention. I made sure to take him out lots, while she slept in the pram.

    I've just had my third, on May 1st. My other daughter turned 3 on May 12th, and my son will be 5 on June 16th. My 3 year old understood she'd have a baby sister, so did my son obviously, but she's been jealous, very clingy, and been really acting up to get attention. My son's not really bothered. I got them both a gift from their baby sister. I try to involve my 3 year old lots, getting her to help me. And we go out lots. My son goes to school.

    I would never want my kids to see me in labour. My mil looked after them while I had my 3rd. I phoned her to come get them when I thought contractions were starting.

    Just make sure older siblings are reassured lots that you love them, and be sure to do things they enjoy.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    My daughter stayed with my parents for the two days I was in. She came to visit me and the baby both nights. The hospital made her these cute little cards that had his footprints on them and said "My baby brother's footprints". She is still super proud of them and has one of them in a picture frame. We also had pictures taken when he was about 2 1/2 months old and got her a picture frame that said "Me and my big sister". She really likes that too.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    My daughter will almost be 4 when I deliver. She's excited to stay with her grandparents. She's not upset at all. Lol. She will visit & see the new baby a few hours a day when my mom in law comes up there, but she will enjoy the time away from me. I guess I'd suggest having your little one stay with grandparents if they live close.
  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    I've been wondering about this too, so I'm loving these ideas. My daughter will be almost 4 when I have my second. Since I'm not due until January I haven't really started thinking about the logistics of the hospital stay yet, though I'm assuming that the G-units will take turns watching her, and bring her for visits after the L&D. I love the idea of getting her a gift from the new baby, and doing a cute picture frame for a picture of her and her new sister/brother.

    Otherwise, I've just been talking to her a lot already about how mommy is having another baby, and she's going to be a big sister and help take care of the baby, etc. Once we get closer and I actually start showing, I think we'll have more conversations about it.
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    My daughter was four when we had our second child. I went on Amazon and bought several kid's books about being a big sister and about having a new baby in the family. When I had a baby shower I gave her those gifts. We also took her to the ultrasound appointment when we found out baby's sex. We explained things to her as things happened and about having a new baby and how she has a very important role as a big sister. When I went into labor I was fortunate that my sister flew in that day and spent a week showering our oldest with attention. We also had a great baby sitter she stayed with overnight. I was worried at first that she would be jealous and maybe act out toward the baby. Bedtime was difficult the first couple months but she's adjusted. She does have jealous moments where she acts a bit like a baby for attention but we watch for that and make sure she gets one on one time with us. Our youngest is now 15 months and our oldest (6 tomorrow) is like a little mommy to her wanting to pick her up and rush to her side if she cries.

    Here's some of the books (there's lots more online):

    My New Baby by Rachel Fuller
    Waiting for Baby (My New Baby) by Rachel Fuller
    Best-Ever Big Sister by Karen Katz (This one points all the things big kids can do that babies can't like feed themselves)
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    I have 2 boys, one is 7 and the other is 4 with a mental capability of 2. I wouldn't even think of bringing them into the l&d with me. Like many others they're staying at my parents house until I come home. IMO there's too much that can go wrong and I wouldn't want my child seeing that. When I had my first, I did it without drugs and the person next to me in triage had their little kids there. I had to watch what I said and how I acted because of her kids and it was really hard for me, so know that whatever you do, doesn't just effect you. My second baby had to be rushed down to the NICU after doing an hour of percussion therapy on him and putting him under a heat lamp and skin to skin to try to get his temp up. I can't imagine what would happen if I had my little one in there and I had something go terribly wrong and have to have an emergency c. I know it's 2014 but there's still a lot that can go wrong with childbirth. When my second was in the NICU, I would bring my first down every day to see his baby brother and sing to him and talk to him. Just make the sibling a part of it after the fact.