Check in June 6, 2014

julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
I have a lot of catching up to do on the Board which I will try to do later. Not well at all, got a bad tummy upset and as we only have one girl in the office because the other quit and they haven't hired yet I can't take any time off. We are extremely busy.. off to the bathroom.. again! Will look in later.


  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Oh Julie I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I hope that passes soon.

    What are everyone's weekend plans? Come Monday morning, what do you want to be able to say you accomplished?
  • BodyByChipsAhoy
    BodyByChipsAhoy Posts: 60 Member
    I was feeling really bad yesterday too, so much that I left work a little early. I was still waking up in the middle of the night feeling like I was about to throw up. Its so miserable!

    Weekend plans. Hmm. I really havent thought much about it, and I just realized it's Friday already! I would like for us to take our son to a park, weather permitting. Other than that, and typically household chores, I dont know. I do want to make sure I get some meals planned out and cooked for the upcoming week, as I have had major difficulty with that lately.

    ~Becky in Florida
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I'm going to see The Fault in Our Stars tomorrow in the early afternoon. I love the book and I've loved the author, John Green, and his brother, Hank Green, for years. They have several youtube channels (including CrashCourse, which is AP class lessons), but they started out with just one in 2007. They're hilarious, empathetic, intelligent, and just a joy to watch. I've made a lot of good friends through the fan community because it attracts lots of good people. I'm so excited that there's a major film coming out based on one of John's books!

    When the weekend is over, I want to be able to say that I stayed under my calorie goal (which I have had trouble with on the weekends) and that I finished W4D2 of C25k without feeling as rough as I did yesterday for Day 1.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Oh! I also REALLY need to clean my apartment! Gotta whip it into shape so I can have some people over next weekend.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    My goal for this weekend is not to carb binge. No all night parties with Mr. Oreo or any in his family or friends' circles. I went out to a Mexican restaurant last night and managed to stay under carbs, so I will do it again!

    - Carly in OK

    P.S. Sending positive healing energy to anyone not feeling their best. (huggles)
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Good morning, duckies! My weekend plan depends on the weather. If the sun finally comes out, I'm going to lie naked on my front lawn all day and try to replenish my vitamin D.

    Yesterday was a lost cause for me. It started with eating PB&J at 6 a.m. and going back to bed with a stomach full of that, then ended with eating icecream in my car at midnight in the walmart parking lot. Oh, yes, I was all kinds of out control... I haven't had a day like that in a LONG, long, time. So I am joining the intestinal distress gang this morning, for very different reasons.

    I'm trying to figure out what set me off... I was pissed at the hubs, but that.s not usually enough to trigger a food frenzy any more. I was in a LOT of pain. Could be that. I also found out yesterday that I've already lost enough weight to safely have my sleeve gastrectomy, something I've been panicked about. I have to weight in again next Friday, and my mind immediately went to "oh, you have a whole week... you should have a cheat day." Even now I'm wondering if I can get away with another cheat day today and then just starve myself next week. EGAD. These destructive patterns and thoughts are what got me to morbid obesity in the first place!

    Time to shake this off and get back on plan!

    Happy Friday!

    Karen in Maine
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Morning all,

    No big plans this weekend. Have done my meal plan for the next couple of days though so I am pretty sure it will be ok as long as I stick to it ;) We live in an apartment so tomorrow while the in laws are out and DH is looking after the place (they run a small old folks home) Dean and I are going to head over there, fill up the paddling pool and use their grill for burgers at lunchtime, and steak and salad or corn for dinner. Also letting myself have a piece of the strawberry and cream victoria sponge cake I have frozen in the freezer tomorrow. Sunday despite the weather I think I am going to do a Pork roast with yorkies and all the trimmings, a bit of England :) Today Dean and I are having light cool whip, strawberries and crepes for lunch and quiche and salad for dinner. THe only danger is if MIL has icecream sandwiches in her freezer lol. I love those! I am going to try making my own in the next couple of weeks, a recipe for light chocolate chip cookies then a spoon of light cool whip between two.

    OOps that is a lot of talk about food sorry!!! I just find the more I talk about a plan the more it sets into my mind so I can stick to it. I talk to my DH about meal plans too and he kinda glazes over and does the uh huh thing lol.

    My back is a little better today thankfully! Going to try a little exercise today either some YOga or a slow walk, not sure would be best yet. Ok better get the work done I am putting off. Happy Friday all. Karen be a good girl!

  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    Good Morning all!

    This weekend I will be catering a wedding (second job/family business). Other than that I hope to finally relax after hectic week!

    Down 1.4 pounds for the week!!
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    Norah - You'll have to tell us what you thought of the movie! That was my first John Green book, and I loved it. I'm really cheap, so I probably won't be seeing the movie until it comes out in the dollar theater (assuming there even still is one around here; haven't checked in a while). Then again, maybe I can work that into some sort of weight loss goal. Track every day and stay under and then I get to go? I don't know. I'll figure out. But you've given me a good idea for how to reward myself in a way that doesn't involve food, so thanks! :)
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    My day has just started. I'm about to leave for a client so I'm figuring out what I will do for breakfast and lunch.

    Tomorrow I will be going to the farmers market and then a bike safety class (who can turn down a free reflective vest and a goodie bag). The rest of the weekend will be spent working and hoping a potential new client doesn't email back and the pain in the *kitten* that has been dealing with them goes away.
  • fpelletier
    fpelletier Posts: 365 Member
    Hello everyone! Well I am slacking off in checking in, just been so busy with the kids home for the summer, so I will be sporadic, sorry! I had a bad 2 days, went way over in calories and I hate it. However, I am not going to beat myself up, I just log it and move on as we now say, right??! :)

    I am trying to do better today, but I feel like I am in a slump, but right now, I still have1135 cals left for the day, so hopefully between dinner and an afternoon snack I will stick to it. I haven't done much walking the last few days because of all the rain. It's raining right now :( I did do about 25 mins of total gym last night, so that was some strength training I need. I tweaked my knee somehow though so I didn't get to do the cardio like I wanted. Hoping tonight.

    We don't have any real big plans for the weekend, just cleaning up around the house, meal planning/grocery list planning for next week. I have a love/hate relationship with meal planning lol I want to scour some thrift stores too for a dresser for my little one. Her's is broke and only has 2 useable drawers :/ so she needs it bad. I will try to check back in with everyone in the thread a bit later today.

  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Good Afternoon!

    Good to see you back, Julie! Sorry to hear you are feeling bad. :-(

    Congrats on the weight loss Angie!

    Natasha - You are making me hungry!

    Karen - You have a lot going on -- Just breathe.. it will be A OK!! :flowerforyou:

    I have been so busy at work, once again, a busy busy Friday. Never fails around here. I am just on lunch now. So, I took Karen's advice and have been trying to eat more during the day INCLUDING some breakfast. Today is day 2 and yesterday I actually felt pretty good. Good enough to take my daughter swimming instead of staying home to pout over the fact that my husband ordered pizza.

    I felt like I packed a crap ton again, but I logged it all and it was only 371 calories, even with the shocking high amount of calories in my watermelon. Can't say I will be buying one of those again soon. At least not a whole one. There are a ton of carbs and sugar in that for not a lot of return. I would rather have blueberries or strawberries any day.

    I'm trying to figure out Margaritas with the girls tomorrow night. It is at a friends house. Your typical 12 oz Margarita has 556 calories. And let's face it. Ain't nothing typical about me and me drinks, I like to get down with it. So, I would say I probably would have 3 at least. So.. yeah... I might be just BYOB'ing it. My husband will get mad if I turn down free alcohol and spend money on less caloric drinks. And the thought of me just going for the good time and not drinking.... HA! Yeah.. that doesn't happen.. ever.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    My day has just started. I'm about to leave for a client so I'm figuring out what I will do for breakfast and lunch.

    Tomorrow I will be going to the farmers market and then a bike safety class (who can turn down a free reflective vest and a goodie bag). The rest of the weekend will be spent working and hoping a potential new client doesn't email back and the pain in the *kitten* that has been dealing with them goes away.

    Patrick, what do you do for these clients? Are you designing graphics for them? logos?
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Heather, I think most of the margaritas calories come from the mixer. CHEAP replacement is to use crystal light lemon- lime. Pick some up and bring it along. Your girlfriends will LOVE you! If your friend uses the pre-made stuff, ask her to just buy the tequila and you'll bring the mixer. So easy to make, really!!!

    I am having a pissy day. The strawberries I JUST bought have gone bad. The plums I just bought are sour. The universe is trying to stress me out and piss me off, but I will not let it!

    The sun finally came out!!!!! Yay!!!!
  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    The strawberries I JUST bought have gone bad. The plums I just bought are sour.

    My strawberries went bad too!!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hahahaha... to lighten my mood, I re-created one of Heather's photos, the one where she is eating berries and looking disgusted. My berries are yogurt, but I think the look works!

  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Good day every one. Sorry I've not been around much, though I have been reading and keeping up with all of you. I've been in a very weird place the last few days and trying to keep the depression away. Most of it is a result of our financial situation and the fact that Michael just doesn't seem to understand we're broke. Food stamps finally came in today so we'll have food in the house for at least a bit. It gets harder and harder to make the food stretch. I know having the same foods over and over at the end of the month gets old but there's not much I can do about it. My food has been all over the place.....from eating too much to eating too little. Today's been a little better so maybe I'm finally on the upswing.

    Sorry to hear about those not feeling well. Hope you're feeling better soon. Congratulations to those of you that lost weight. You're doing great. Karen, your binge after finding out that you finally qualified for surgery is actually kind of normal. A lot of people panic over the fact that there are so many of their favorite foods they won't be able to eat anymore. Maybe in your subconscious that's what was going on. Hoping you can get past it and everything works out for your next weigh in.

    As for the weekend, no real plans here but that's nothing new. Most exciting thing I will do is a couple loads of laundry and maybe clean the apartment. WhooHooo, real excitement, lol. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I see your berries and yogurt and raise you a nice frosty low cal low carb beer. Mmm. Tasty. And so needed. I could've left early today but I was determined to match a budget and I got it from over 100k off down to the penny. I say well deserved frosty beverage.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Good day every one. Sorry I've not been around much, though I have been reading and keeping up with all of you. I've been in a very weird place the last few days and trying to keep the depression away. Most of it is a result of our financial situation and the fact that Michael just doesn't seem to understand we're broke. Food stamps finally came in today so we'll have food in the house for at least a bit. It gets harder and harder to make the food stretch. I know having the same foods over and over at the end of the month gets old but there's not much I can do about it. My food has been all over the place.....from eating too much to eating too little. Today's been a little better so maybe I'm finally on the upswing.

    Sorry to hear about those not feeling well. Hope you're feeling better soon. Congratulations to those of you that lost weight. You're doing great. Karen, your binge after finding out that you finally qualified for surgery is actually kind of normal. A lot of people panic over the fact that there are so many of their favorite foods they won't be able to eat anymore. Maybe in your subconscious that's what was going on. Hoping you can get past it and everything works out for your next weigh in.

    As for the weekend, no real plans here but that's nothing new. Most exciting thing I will do is a couple loads of laundry and maybe clean the apartment. WhooHooo, real excitement, lol. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

    Hang in there sweets! My hubs is the same way. I'm skipping my breathing meds this month but he splurged on pizza last night. Then again, I splurged on beer so we are both kind of irresponsible.

    I hope you find something fun to do. Some new nature to explore. If you have a camera or picture phone I would love to see some shots of the beauty in your part of the world. I know you do a lot of walking. :-)
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    My day has just started. I'm about to leave for a client so I'm figuring out what I will do for breakfast and lunch.

    Tomorrow I will be going to the farmers market and then a bike safety class (who can turn down a free reflective vest and a goodie bag). The rest of the weekend will be spent working and hoping a potential new client doesn't email back and the pain in the *kitten* that has been dealing with them goes away.

    Patrick, what do you do for these clients? Are you designing graphics for them? logos?

    Hi Karen,

    I do graphic design, tutoring, retouching, and workflow/backup design for photographers.

    had a slightly frustrated time in these past few hours dealing with clients making the simplest of mistakes and feeling like I'm spending my time banging my head against the keyboard. Plus desperately hoping a potential new client doesn't get back in contact so I don't have to deal with them. I don't know if I have it in me to walk tonight. I think I just want some time to myself not dealing with people and their computer issues.