9 months to put it on and 9 more to put it back

Hi, New here. I have a 9 month old son.
I was gaining weight before I got pregnant. While I was pregnant I gained 35 pounds. 2 weeks after pp I was down 20 of that. I was so excited I just had 10 More to go. I thought well that wasn't so bad. Maybe a little more, that be nice!

Then winter came, and lack of sleep, time, and just anything for myself. Most of my time was spent curled up in the rocking chair with a newborn and junk food. When I did have time for myself I slept.
Currently he's crawling and getting into everything. And I find most my days running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Still no weight loss though. I've gained all but 10 pounds back from what I weighed when I delivered. I say and I'm not even getting a baby out of this.
I'm not sure if my rapid weight gain is from being less energetic as I was, or if it's due to not having a normal menstrual cycle. I've had 3 and loss weight each time.
It's summer now and the numbers on the scale are getting to me. I love swimming, but dread bathing suits. I can't wear shorts.
And it's time for me to stop complaining and get to work. I would love to lose 50 pounds. I'm so uncomfortable in my own skin, and I haven't felt this bad since I was a young teenager.


  • mdelynn01
    mdelynn01 Posts: 176 Member
    I would like to lose 50 lbs more. I have a 6 year old, 18 month old, and 2 week old. My weight is depressing me so much. :(
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Long story short, I gained a lot during my first pregnancy, lost it all and then some in about a year, then gained even more the second pregnancy. BFing killed my weight loss (who knew, right?), so I'm a year postpartum and still have 50 lbs to lose. I have almost no clothes that fit me (except one dress that's getting raggedy and some maternity yoga pants with a couple of t-shirts and embarrassing tank tops). It's depressing!
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Would you say that the number one thing holding you back is not being able to find time to exercise / eat right?
  • kris10cass
    kris10cass Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 8 weeks PP and have lost only 18 lbs! When I was 2 weeks PP I lost all but 4lbs... but my milk supply was lacking so Dr. told me to increase calories... so I did... and gained 15 lbs! Ugh... Done breastfeeding and now working on losing this weight...
  • I share everyone's pain and depression about still having lots of weight to lose and not having anything to wear. I'm 6.5 months postpartum and spent 6 of those months indoors sulking about the lousy weather. I'm heading back to work in less than 3 months and I'm nervous about returning to work looking about the same as I did 9 months pregnant and 50 lbs heavier than I was before getting pregnant.

    Anyone have any suggestions for exercise that can be done at home...and with a 6 month old?
  • kathym617
    kathym617 Posts: 32 Member
    I had my third baby on March 6 (older two are 5.5 and 4) and am, horrifyingly, 3 pounds heavier than when I delivered. The weight seems to have gone from my belly to my thighs. I returned to work last week (ugh), which, while dreadful for most reasons, has at least gotten me back onto a schedule. I'd really like to lose the 35 pounds I gained while pregnant, plus, ideally, another 5-7 (including the 3 news ones).

    For those breastfeeding, what are you doing re calories?

    And for all, are you exercising? If so, when and what are you doing? I am getting up super early and working out (running a few days a week and doing post-partum videos the other) before the kids wake up. I'm quite tired, but know this is what I have to do if want to feel good about my appearance and be healthy again.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I share everyone's pain and depression about still having lots of weight to lose and not having anything to wear. I'm 6.5 months postpartum and spent 6 of those months indoors sulking about the lousy weather. I'm heading back to work in less than 3 months and I'm nervous about returning to work looking about the same as I did 9 months pregnant and 50 lbs heavier than I was before getting pregnant.

    Anyone have any suggestions for exercise that can be done at home...and with a 6 month old?

    Would you be interested in this? The Babywearing Workout: http://thebabywearingworkout.com It involves a small investment -- if you don't have a carrier, you can get one from Target for $30-40. (Actually, this one: http://www.target.com/p/infantino-sash-mei-tai-3-position-baby-carrier/-/A-14334281#prodSlot=medium_1_1&term=infantino+mei+tai is only $25 on target.com.) The video itself is $10 to download.

    I feel like I should say, since I've been mentioning this workout all over the place, that I have no connection to it other than that I really enjoy it. This is the first exercise video that I have ever been able to complete, yet it's challenging enough to get my heart rate up and work up a sweat. I have been a huge fan of babywearing for over a decade, but I really love the way it's incorporated in these exercises: 1) the baby adds some weight to your workout, and as she grows, it slowly increases the weight that you are carrying, therefore slowly increasing the intensity of the exercise even as you get stronger and build endurance; 2) you don't have to find time to do the workout without the baby; 3) many of the other women I know who do this workout report that their babies fall asleep during the exercise, and then take a nice nap (although mine tends to wake up as soon as we are done, unfortunately); 4) it's just really more fun to snuggle with your baby while you exercise!

    I also wear my daughter when we go for walks with Daddy every morning, and whenever I need to do things around the house but she wants to be held. She likes it, and it's more convenient for me, on top of probably burning more calories than I would if I wasn't carrying her.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm nearly 6 weeks post partum with baby no.3, and really depressed with how I look. Even my 'fat' jeans don't quite do up. It's been really hot here (south east England) and I can't wear any of my nice sundresses so I'm having to wear leggings and dresses with a cardigan. I don't even want to get my arms out. My thighs are massive.

    I exercised until 38 weeks pregnant and logged my food and rarely went over my calories. I did have some chocolate towards the end, but I still don't get how I got so massive. My baby was 11 days overdue and 9lbs1.

    I haven't weighed myself, but I need to lose about 5 inches off my waist, 6 off my hips, and 3 off each thigh.

    I've been walking every day - I have a son at school who I have to either take or collect (hubby works shifts so can do one or the other) and a 3 year old to take out. She gets bored at home, so we're always out. I've also been logging since my baby was 3.5 weeks old.

    I'm only partially breastfeeding as I have low supply and my baby lost weight (same happened with my older two) so I can't count those calories as I don't suppose I burn many as I don't make much milk.

    I've got my 6 week check on Monday and will be going back to the gym after that. I'll be doing gym sessions and classes like aerobics, step, Zumba and spinning, and just fit it round my husband's shifts. Do him good to look after all 3 and give me some 'me' time :smile:
  • AnnaBibi3
    AnnaBibi3 Posts: 2
    Wow, sounds like you're doing a lot of exercise. I just had my 3rd child and am 3 1/2 months PP. I too gained at least 5lbs PP. I have been working out 2x week since 6 wk PP. that has helped to mentally feel better but clothes do not fit and I feel uncomfortable in my body. Now I've joined MFP and am committed to do this. I am now doing the total body conditioning class 2x week and running 3 mi 2x week. I'll increase my mileage regularly. I have a solid 35 lbs to lose and the last 10 are always difficult. With our busy lives we need to give ourselves a break but keep persistent with our goals.