Week of June. 8-13 post here if cant make Saturday

How is everyone doing this week?  

 Weigh In...lost? Maintained? Gained?  




 Water intake?  

Any Questions?  

Any Advice needed or to give?


  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    I am lifting weights all this week instead of cardio to help my calf get better. I am excited to track my measurements again at the end of June as I feel I have got a bit smaller. I only track my measurements once a month .I weigh myself everyday but only track once a week but if it stays what it says it will be a good week :happy:

    I posted under the wrong board lol
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    I'll try to make it this Saturday but I'll be at work, so I doubt it.

    I lost 300g with my weigh-in on Monday which isn't much but I've already accepted that I'm taking baby steps.

    I forgot to take my measurements though I meant to because I feel I've lost inches. It won't do me much good now because I've never taken them before, though.

    Haven't made it to the gym since my appointment with the doc but plan to go back at the very latest next week. Perhaps I'll make it after work on Saturday.

    Biggest issue this week: Fight my inner glutton! I could eat, eat, eat. The unhealthier, the better. I've considered putting a lock on my kitchen door that only my neighbor will get a key to so I'll have to disturb them every single time I want a snack and hope that'll keep me from eating. :laugh:
  • kennysarah
    kennysarah Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I am a Weight Watchers lifetime member who is still below my top goal weight, but I need to lose 15 pounds. It is sooooo hard because I get discouraged and start eating. I decided to go back to weekly meetings because I need the support. Hopefully exercise will also help me. I constantly think of food...ugh! Thank you for doing this. Sarah:happy:
  • kennysarah
    kennysarah Posts: 3 Member
    Oops, I forgot to mention that I feel horrible after binge and can gain up to 4 pounds just in water retention from doing this. ANyone else like this????