Thanks and ouch

valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
Hi all,

hope everyone is keeping well and had a lovely weekend.

First of all a really quick thank you to all on board here, I felt really discouraged a few weeks ago after a 10k and put up a post about having a positive mindset during races I got some really good constructive advice which made all the difference.

So I plucked up my courage and did my second half marathon ( 1st trail) over the weekend.

It was in the mourne mountains, and was a treat to run from start to finish despite the horrific weather. - the skies dumped 2 months worth of rain in a matter of hrs so the route was a little sticky to say the least ( I fished my runner out of a bog at one stage) .

My time was 40 mins longer than my first half but it was a fantastic experience - I took photos, ate cake and had great craic with other runners and the stewarts. I also fell on my *kitten* 4 times and was covered from head to toe in mud but it definately restored my confidence in running races again. Funny thing is the race that knocked it was my PB in 10K maybe I'm not a racer but a moutain woman?

So thanks to all for the great advice you got me out and over those moutains - I made sure to run the mile I was in at all times :)

My question now is omg my legs??? I am in bits! literally every step I take I am wincing, am clutching the wall walking down the stairs ( guys in work think its dead funny ) any tips on how to recover?

I had to rush off to collect the kids after the race so couldn't stay for the complimentary messages, but I had choc milk straight away a banana n chocolate then a hot shower, foam rolled iced my *kitten* and foam rolled again. I've had hot baths and more ice packs but still in bits lol it was worth it but I want to get back out again plus my family and workmates are sick of listening to me moan.

Any tips greatly appreciated!



  • saskie78
    saskie78 Posts: 237 Member
    Ah, that sound great! Congrats and I'm glad you had a good experience! Best form of recovery for me is to get moving again. Walk, swim, bike...whatever floats your boat, but moving in some way seems to loosen things up. Congrats again!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I'm in your boat too. Best I can tell you is to keep moving. I put in 12K steps yesterday just walking. And go backwards down the stairs. It's the little things :)
  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
    thanks am going to walk the dog this evening - lol the kids will love seeing me walk down stairs backwards. Thanks for the advice!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    thanks am going to walk the dog this evening - lol the kids will love seeing me walk down stairs backwards. Thanks for the advice!

    I was laughed at by my son all weekend, and even the barista at Qdoba for hobbling around. Life ain't easy for runners.