Real Life RPG fitness quest!

Hey all!
Well I knew I wasn't the only nerdy geek on MFP. And since that is the case, does any one want to do a 'real life RPG' with me? I stumbled upon this awesome website, and I have been motivated in a totally different way. One that's going to make this journey a game! Yes! So much easier to stay motivated when it's something fun!
Ok so first check out the link:

Want to play!?
Send me a message if you like and add me as a friend!

Next, list your starting 'Race' and choose your profession. You may want to write down your starting stats.

Let's call level 50 the max out level :)
And call level 10 some one who is 50lbs over a healthy BMI, with a sedentary lifestyle (drive to work, sit at home, very little movement about the house)
Level 1-2 would be clinically obese with difficulty/pain when walking.

I have all my beginner stats which I'll share with you once we are friends. Here's an outline of what I've added:
Hey all!
Well I know I can't be the only nerdy geek on MFP. And as long as that is the case, does any one want to do a 'real life RPG' with me? I stumbled upon this awesome website, and I have been motivated in a totally different way. One that's going to make this journey a game! Yes! So much easier to stay motivated when it's something fun!
Ok so first check out the link:

Want to play!?
Then add me as a friend!

Next, list your starting 'Race' and choose your profession. You may want to write down your starting stats.

Let's call level 50 the max out level :)
And call level 10 some one who is about 50lbs over a healthy BMI, with a sedentary lifestyle.
Level 1-2 would be clinically obese with difficulty/pain when walking.

Here's my beginning:
Profession of choice:
Current level:
Starting Stats:
Fitness level
Average Caloric intake/day
Resistant to:

My goal is to level up to level 40 by mid September :D 3 months. You don't have to match my time frame :)

OK so who will join me in my quest? Let's have a 3 month goal, but do feel free to continue after. I'll see how things are when I get there and decide if I want to cruise on those capable, boss guy slaying stats, or continue running around the world to max out to level 50.

There are 2 of us on here already and we just started. So feel free to join us!


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    That sounds awesome but I'm confused - how do you level up etc?
  • Markicksbutt
    It's all dependent on you. I gave myself a level for having consecutive days of good activity/workouts and staying within my calorie count. I also have a tough week of exams and long days coming up, so I made a side quest for myself: if I can get at least an hour of exercise in between Weds-Fri, and make healthy food choices at the campus caf, I'll level up again :)
    It kind of works because as we become more and more fit, it's going to be tougher/take longer to get over plateaus and advance, just like as you go up in levels in an RPG it takes so much more EXP to level up yet again.
    So just go with what you feel. If some evil Pizza boss beats you, perhaps he saps you EXP and you fall back a level... or you just have to take longer to level again. One of the fun things is we get to use our imagination and couple it with our knowledge (and love!!) of gaming :)
    As we get into it more together maybe we can even set challenges for each other as side quests to level. Create little challenges (like the 20 push ups a day for 10 days straight or what ever).
    Let's have fun with this!