
melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
I am having a hard time getting back with regular exercise. The last few weeks have been extremely stressful with my step-daughter moving back to her bio-moms...Now that, that is over and things are going well (a week in), I was hopeful to adjust to our new normal with just our twins. The local fitness group classes that I was enjoying has changed several class times that I went to, making it less schedule friendly which completely stinks! Its already super humid out, so my outside walks have disappeared.

I have learned that I have the most confidence in a group of ladies sweating it out in a class, than going to the local center to work out alone. I am terrified.

I had planned on trying it today, woke up in plenty of time, and chickened out :(


  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    Oh i'm so sorry to hear that your exercise class times have changed, it's so inconvenient!

    Have you considered home exercises during the hot months?

    I find any kind of exercise other than gentle walking, swimming and not-cardio-heavy based home DVD's unmanageable in the Summer so I do something like Ballet Fitness with Callanetics.

    It's super-hard to work out at home with the kids about but I wish you luck!

    Don't feel anxious about the class, just give it a go and if it sucks, don't go again :)

    Kaela x
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Are you able to walk in the evening. Not sure if the humidity is better at night but that's what I have been doing because of the heat. I still sweet but not because of the weather outside. That lets me get in a nice hour walk.

    Sorry to hear about your exercise group, that really sucks. I know how much nicer it is to workout with others then trying to do it at home on your own.

    I find the biggest thing is getting started and that once I do I can go. I know your terrified by yourself but I might try just going once and start with your routine and see how you feel. I have a huge amount of anxiety but I know that most of it is in my head and once I get to it the anxiety goes away. You deserve to be happy and healthy, don't let the dear hold you back. No ones going to be laughing or staring, you all know your their to do one thing, get healthy.

    No chickening out, get in the door and if you still can't stand it once you have started you can leave.

    You can do it.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I know where I am, humidity and BUGS get worse at night. So, you get a little relief from the heat, but if you have any breathing problems (like me) doing anything outdoors is just not fun during the summer. (Except swimming).

    I find even getting in my hot car to drive to the gym a bad thought. Once I get there, I don't want to leave. I just want to keep going and going.. (Probably because I don't want to leave the A/C)

    But, I am right there with you hun. I cannot find the umph I need after work. I am still fighting the urge to not keel over after work let alone workout. Headaches, exhausted, just blah. Before work isn't going to happen. I already get up at 5:20 and still can't make it on time.

    I feel like I am full of excuses and if I REALLY wanted to change, I could find time, a way, but I honestly don't feel good 50% of the day. So much for dieting and losing weight making you feel so much better.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Seconding Pat! I promise the intimidation factor wears off pretty quickly. By the third or fourth time I had gone to the gym, I had pretty much stopped thinking about what other people thought of me being there. Now, it's just a part of my routine and I don't worry at all about what people thinking about my fat butt in tight workout pants! My fat butt likes going to the gym and jiggling around on the treadmill :P

    Having headphones in helped me, too. It was both a protective thing (no one can talk to me!) and a distraction.

    The heat and humidity is nuts where I am and there's no way I'd be able to keep up my activity without the gym. If you do want to try to keep walking outside, hydrate like crazy before, during, and after!

    Best of luck!
  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    I know I should try to gym, I just have to make myself go. Evening walks ARE do-able but my motivation is gone. My little ones are in bed by 8-830 but I don't get home from work until 530-6. Sometimes later, sometimes earlier. So I feel like I want to see my kiddos as much as I can, darn little cute things.

    I also live in a rural area so apart from driving to a local walking track (10 min away) or the gym (30 min away), I can only walk in our driveway :), not a horrible solution as I use to load up the kids in the stroller and let them get outside too. Bugs, humidity, and wild 1 year olds are making that harder.

    You guys are so great :). My husband is supportive of me trying the gym but he isn't fat so he doesn't get it lol
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    What about doing a yoga dvd as soon as the angels (hehe) are in bed? I know you are tired then and want to just collapse but yoga does give you a form of workout just not as intense, it will help your joints, improves all kind of things I cannot be bothered to type lol. I know Pat is has posted some links to videos on you tube, if you want to go even more beginner than those, Peggy Cappy has a series yoga for the rest of us. I have the heart healthy one and there are two sessions on it, one for people using mats and one for people who can't bend so much ie if you are older or larger with a chair.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I have one of those yoga for the rest of us videos. I personally can't stand it, but I think I have noticed that if I'm going to be working out, I want to sweat, be moving, and hear music. I walk with my own thoughts. I don't want to sit there repeatedly and listen to someone count. It makes me a total crazy person. I've tried a couple times, and I guess I'm just not coordinated. Either that or maybe I'm intimidated because I suck at it... It's a toss up...

    Other than walking on breaks, exercise is a bugger for me, too...can't seem to hack it.

    Carly, who is off to go attempt to walk in this humidity and not get sunburned due to medication side effects.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good morning/day everyone!!

    I currently work in a pretty long building. Maybe a block long inside. I have a friend who walks laps inside the buidling on her lunch. No Bugs, Humidity, Sun.... and I am literally watching this woman shrink away in front of my eyes.

    I am not to sure of what everyone's fitness levels are, but here are a couple of things I have found:

    I take the steps down to the cafe'... that's 4 flights down.
    I plan on start walking the same route as my melting friend at work and eat lunch at my desk.

    Just food for thought if you work inside a building you can walk in.

    Also, you can walk the perimeter of a mall..same thing. No bugs, humidity or sun.

    Cari from DE
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Exercise is hell. There is no time of the year right now that suits me.. the only thing I can do is workout in water and even that is hard. But I am going to do it. I got two cute new swim suits and I am going to water exercise. I hate it when people say.. oh anyone can walk.. yeah right.