Feeling vs Doing

Feeling vs Doing. That's the name of a blog on the BNFIT website (see link below). Today, I confess that I am DEEP into my feelings. The death of Maisha Wyatt has deeply impacted me. We started together at BNFIT. Attending her funeral was supposed to happen in our 80s, 90s or beyond. This time though I want to use my feelings to motivate me to do BETTER not eat, drink, shop, or whatever else we use to numb ourselves. I am going to feel this pain, this loss, and turn that pain into motivation to work HARDER, eat CLEANER, sleep BETTER, pray MORE. I will not let the impact of her sudden death be in vain...at least not in my life.

What motivates you? Who motivates you? Please share your thoughts

Here is a link to a blog: http://bn-fit.com/feeling-vs-doing/.