Check In June 11, 2014

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Good morning, Wonderful People!

I finally pulled a name from the hat, and the May Fitness Challenge winner is Norah! Norah, I'll private message you details.

Conversation starter... hmmmmm.... how about a visualization exercise? I want you to imagine that you are at or near your goal weight and doing an activity that you love and haven't been able to enjoy because of your weight and/or size. Close your eyes. Imagine this with all five senses. Smell it, taste it, touch it , hear it, see it. That's you! You're doing it!

I'm in my little phantom sailboat, feet under the hiking strap, in a great wind. The boat is hiked over, and splashes of cold lake water are spraying my legs. The sun is warm on my skin and sparkles like stars on the deep blue of the lake. I hear the flapping snap of the sail straining against the wind, and I am as close to weightless and flying as I'll ever be.

Karen in Maine


  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    I am spending the day riding roller coasters at an amusement park with my husband!!! I don't even glance at the weight limit signs as I eagerly race through the waiting area and plow through the turnstiles. We ride and ride well into the favorite time to ride!!

    How is everyone doing. Last full day of school for my kiddos. (Tomorrow is a half day) I will miss them this summer...but August 18th will be here in the blink of an eye I am sure!

  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Oh, Angie--to ride the roller coasters again!!! I can't wait!!!
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Thank you so much for organizing everything for the May Challenge, Karen!

    You're such a wonderful writer! You painted a beautiful, vivid image for us to enjoy! My mom is moving to Maine and her fiance has a sailboat -- I can't wait to visit next summer and go out on the water! I'll be in Maine over labor day weekend for her wedding and my friend's wedding (yes, two in the same weekend!), but I doubt we'll get a chance to go out. I'll just reread your post while I'm there and it'll be that much closer to being real :)

    It's probably ambitious to imagine I'll be near my goal weight by next April, but here's my visualization anyway: It's my wedding day, and I'm in the park getting pictures with all of my friends and family. The sunlight is coming through the leaves and warming my skin while the light rushing sound of the waterfall fountain fills my ears. The long stretch of stairs to the pale yellow embassy building at the top of the hill is our red carpet, and we walk it with grace and ease, Later, we head out to the balcony to dance under the stars, where it feels like I'm floating on air.

    I'm in a good mood today after a very pleasant birthday. The Thai place was incredible! Definitely did NOT pay much attention to my food intake, but I'm not stressing over it too much. One day isn't going to destroy all of my hard work. My parents both gave me Amazon gift cards, so I ordered myself some sports headphones and a new armband for my phone. My current headphones (the Apple earbuds) don't stay in my ears terribly well and my armband is falling apart and constantly leaves yucky little black debris on my arm. I'm excited to get my presents!

    My quads are still killing me today. I think now that I'm doing free weights I might have to start using foam rollers in addition to stretching. I'm still chalking it up to being a good thing because it means I worked those muscles hard. Any tips?
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member

    I am going to say visiting my favorite spot in the world, Priest Lake, ID and swimming in the lake and hiking in the forest. I can do that now, but I want to take my baby girl out on the old rolling log at the end of the dock and try to climb on it like we did when we were kids and balance on top only to always roll off an splash into the lake. We would do that all day long, over and over again.

    Then we would relax on our air mattress and just gaze at the beautiful mountains that surrounded the lake. It was the closest thing to pure peace and happiness I have ever experienced in my life. I will go back home again, for good one day.

  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    I can think of several things...and riding those roller coasters are up there in the top 5! I would like to hike the Grand Canyon, in the spring time when the wild flowers are out and the green river below is slowly moving along and then go river rafting down the river and camping on the side of the canyon enjoying the wonderful views.
  • andysdream
    andysdream Posts: 54
    I think my dream would be to be on a beautiful beach in a cute bathing suit. I would be walking in the surf and the waves would be crashing on my feet. I would feel strong and be able to walk for miles without a care in the world.

    Andrea in Pennsylvania
  • BodyByChipsAhoy
    BodyByChipsAhoy Posts: 60 Member
    I too visualize the roller coasters the most. I played softball and tennis from a very young age (we're talking 5 or 6) all the way through high school. I want to do that again. At this weight, I really can't run and my knees are not strong enough for tennis.

    Today is going well. Last night i was going to have 2 eggs and a piece of toast for dinner (I even logged it ahead of time). I would have ended the day with calories left over.

    So I go into the kitchen where my husband just got done grilling steak and burgers. At that moment I was really hungry and quite frankly, too lazy to cook. So I had almost an entire double burger with cheese, mushrooms and onion. I also had a handful of granola cereal. Ended up 350 calories over for the day. But oh well! Onward and upward, right?

    My co-worker bought me lunch today (3 more days till I am outta here!) and I got a lettuce wrap from Jimmy John's...fabulous and easy on the calories.

    ~Becky in Florida
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member

    My co-worker bought me lunch today (3 more days till I am outta here!) and I got a lettuce wrap from Jimmy John's...fabulous and easy on the calories.

    ~Becky in Florida
    Hurrah for you, Becky, for the final countdown! Goodbye stress, goodbye awful boss, hello better life!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Thank you all! I've been in a tired funk for a week and having trouble getting out of it, and reading all your visualizations is so uplifting. I think I'm going to do this at night before I fall asleep... FEEL myself in my sailboat or riding a rollercoaster or white water rafting (oh... I have SO wanted to try rafting... can't wait.).

    I really paid attention to my body today and decided to boost up my vitamins, take some extra D, drink a double espresso, stretch, and spend some time in the sun. It's helping. I haven't been sleeping well for months, keep waking up with a racing heart every couple of hours, so I finally had an oxometer (?) (basically you wear a finger clip that measures heart rate and oxygen levels all night) test on Sunday and am waiting on the results. I already use a cpap and may have to add oxygen, I guess, if I'm not getting enough at night. Geesh... when did this happen? Warning to all of you young people out there... get your obesity under control NOW... don't wait another twenty-five years when your back and joints have been destroyed and your heart is enlarged and you're bladder leaks whenever you laugh!

    Best part of my day has been picking out Norah's prize! I gave her a few choices, and she went with the "bling package"--something pretty from my vintage rhinestone jewelry collection, and I think I found something perfect for her! I like this idea of competing for a prize, so maybe I'll pull it together and come up with something for the balls to the wall challenge.

    Happy Hump Day, everyone!
  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    Best part of my day has been picking out Norah's prize! I gave her a few choices, and she went with the "bling package"--something pretty from my vintage rhinestone jewelry collection, and I think I found something perfect for her! I like this idea of competing for a prize, so maybe I'll pull it together and come up with something for the balls to the wall challenge.

    Is the "Balls to the Wall Challenge" the same as the "Heather's Birthday Challenge???"

    I am game for it is wrapping up this friday and I need to stay focused and not get lazy when I'm not working. I have almost a month until my summer Masters class so health is going to be my priority. PLUS, my landlord is going to be installing a new over with glass top toy means new healthy recipes.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Yes, Heather's Birthday challenge!
  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    When is Heather's birthday? I am totally going for 15 pounds by then!

  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    If I remember correctly Heather's birthday is July 16th.

    We can do 15 lbs by then.

    I am sooooo in!!

    Hi to everyone. Hope you are all having a good day.

    I'm going to go with the first visualization that came to mind...but not the one I am looking forward to the most. We'd be here all day for that list.

    We have a jeep and like to go for rides in the summer with the top down. I am not comfortable in there, although this year is better than last. But still. I want to fit and be comfortable and not see my big fat arms in the side mirror flapping in the wind as we drive. HA. That wasn't a very good visualization was it. Sorry! So I want to see nice toned, tanned arms attached to a tan body wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. No big tshirts. No capri pants to hide my legs. Next summer...
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    If I remember correctly Heather's birthday is July 16th.

    We can do 15 lbs by then.

    I am sooooo in!!

    Hi to everyone. Hope you are all having a good day.

    I'm going to go with the first visualization that came to mind...but not the one I am looking forward to the most. We'd be here all day for that list.

    We have a jeep and like to go for rides in the summer with the top down. I am not comfortable in there, although this year is better than last. But still. I want to fit and be comfortable and not see my big fat arms in the side mirror flapping in the wind as we drive. HA. That wasn't a very good visualization was it. Sorry! So I want to see nice toned, tanned arms attached to a tan body wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. No big tshirts. No capri pants to hide my legs. Next summer...

    Why YES, I just visualized you and your toned arms driving down ForestLake Road and waving at me out o n my sailboat!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Haha. I have actually adjusted side mirrors before so I don't see myself.

    So glad more people are in! Even if we don't hit it, it's something to aim for and to really challenge ourselves to do as a group. I'm really excited.
  • Macrelmar
    Macrelmar Posts: 49
    Karen, you rock! Loved the visualization! You took me right there with you. Are you a writer? Thanks for sharing!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Karen, you rock! Loved the visualization! You took me right there with you. Are you a writer? Thanks for sharing!

    Yes, I am, although I've spent more time teaching than writing for the past twenty years!
  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    Alright everyone...15 pounds by July 16th...let's do it!

  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Alright everyone...15 pounds by July 16th...let's do it!

    Angie, I started a Heather's Birthday Challenge thread, complete with a weekend mini challenge.
  • Macrelmar
    Macrelmar Posts: 49
    Visualizing a summer day, warm sunshine hitting my body, a breeze in the air and one in my step as I'm enjoying feeling free in my body. I'm wearing denim shorts, a girlie sleeveless blouse. I'm surrounded by lots and lots of people, an outdoor concert in the park perhaps. I could be anywhere in those shorts and blouse, (except a roller coaster! Lol) as I'm feeling joy and freedom having a healthy body, looking good, and being with people

    Isolation and bondage of self has played a major part in my life for too many years. I used to be such a free spirit. (Grew up in the 70's) today I a grateful that I am learning to accept and love myself for who I am on the inside and not what I look like on the outside. This is progress, I'm learning to let go of perfection

    Thank you all for being here and for the encouraging replies and messages you've sent me!

    Maryellen in florida