Leslie Sansones walk slim - 4 fast mile music breakdown

Well I did it, after all the time I've spent on the internet searching for it I've come to the conclusion that I needed to do it myself in order to replace the music she is playing at her specific bpms. And in that video? She likes to change them a lot.

First of all the resources I've used are :

http://www.all8.com/tools/bpm.htm - you tap to the beat with your spacebar to get the bpm of the song

http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ - this is a free sound editor, make sure to get the Lame mp3 encoder after you download it so you can export your files to mp3.

The reason I used audacity is because a lot of 150 bpm songs are usually 3 minutes and 20-40 seconds and those intervals are 3 minutes and 2 seconds exactly so I had to make it fit somehow. There are tutorials on basic audacity use on youtube. For transition after I "clipped" the song I just highlighted the last 10 seconds and put a fade out effect.

So in conclusion; here is your break down of the 4 fast mile walk slim video (that you see on youtube)

0:00-3:35- Warm up 135 bpm 3 minutes 35 seconds

3:35 - 8:40 - 140 bpm 5 minutes 5 seconds

8:40 - 11:42 - 150 bpm (the beginning of intervals) 3 minutes 2 seconds

11:43 - 13:53 164-165 bpm (boosted "walking") 2 minutes

13:53-16:55 - 150 bpm 3 minutes 2 seconds

16:56 - 19:06 164-165 bpm 2 minutes 10 seconds

19:07 - 22:09 150 bpm etc etc etc

22:10 - 24:20 165 bpm you get the hint on the minutes

24:21 - 27:23 150 bpm

27:24 - 29:34 165 bpm

29:35 - 32:37 150 bpm

32:38 - 34:48 165 bpm (The last boosted walk)

34:49 - 40:00 - 155 bpm (Bad reputationnn... I almost know all the words because of how often i do it)

40:01 - 45:13 - 150 bpm I feel good! (I need a towel stat!)

45:14 - 48:25 - 130 bpm (Cooldown)

The way I filled in the gaps was just the cascading down, the start times of the minute and seconds is when I hear the next set of music come in, so when you see her walk forward and backward just follow suit.

I hope this helps anyone who does this video frequently (like me, I do it 6 days a week) and keeps your sanity at bay when mixing up the music you replace hers with :) You can find music to fill in all of those gaps OR just repeat the same songs like she does and then mix it up daily/weekly.

Good luck to you all and happy walking :)


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Thanks for the tips......I like the All 8 site.....really helpful for finding fast songs from your own library.

    A site I like for finding new fast songs is: http://walk.jog.fm/
    You plug in the walking speed (MPH) you want and it suggests songs.....or you can select the BPMs. You can narrow by genre too.

    I like to do Leslie DVDs with ear buds in sometimes. I just sync a bunch of fast songs to a (cheap) MP3 player, hit shuffle, and go. I'm pretty lazy, but I'll have to check out the audacity site. Switching out DVDs (and instructors) helps me fight off boredom.