Squatting with Quads not PC?

Sallybally55 Posts: 97 Member
OK so I'm still a sorta newbie to lifting again been on 5x5 for about 3 months and really loving it! I've started noticing lately that after squats, my quads are pretty tired and I'm thinking that this isn't normal. I have very strong quads from years of college volleyball and think I'm overcompensating for the lift with my quads (and not using the glutes, and posterior chain for the lift).

I've watched loads of form videos and can't seem to figure out where I'm going wrong and why the posterior chain isn't getting a workout (trust me it needs it). right now I'm a little too chicken to post a form video. I'm squatting 90 pounds and pretty comfortable with it so I don't think that the weight is too heavy.

Any thoughts or tips would be really helpful? or if this is totally normal just let me know :blushing:


  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I believe activating pc vs quads is all about depth. Are you confident you are getting to below parallel?
  • Sallybally55
    Sallybally55 Posts: 97 Member
    I thought so but i'll definitely focus on that when I'm back in the gym on Saturday! thanls for the tip!
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Depth will definitely affect it, and so will bar placement. Typically low bar back squats will work the PC more, because your torso is leaning more forward, and high bar back squats will work quads more.

    Here's a pic of what I mean:

    (From left to right, front squats, high bar, low bar)

  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    In addition to other suggestions make sure you are pushing up through your heels and not the balls of your feet. Also, when you stand up make sure you are fully erect and squeeze those glutes pushing your pelvis forward :-)