State Bird...

TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
...the mosquito, obviously.

Anyone else getting bit a lot lately? My legs especially are sporting some very nice little circle scars...


  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    I'm right off of a river and we have mosquitos the size of small dogs. I feel you.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    So bad this year!
  • mweb21
    mweb21 Posts: 18 Member
    I think they are the worst since I've lived in MN. By my house in St Paul anyway.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Has anyone found a decent repellant, especially one that'd work well while walking? I'm looking to go on some of the trails at the arboretum next weekend and I just know they're out to get me...
  • Elizabeth_in_MN
    Elizabeth_in_MN Posts: 167 Member
    Deet. And lots of it.

    This is my favorite description:

    "DEET has, in recent times, gotten a bad rap because exposure to DEET in extremely high concentrations or long-term exposure (we're talking about people exposed to high levels of DEET solution on a daily basis for years) can increase the likelihood of seizures and neurological problems. If that sounds scary, let's put it in perspective. According to the EPA, the chances of a person using regular over-the-counter bug spray with DEET in it having a problem resulting from DEET exposure is 1 in 100,000,000. Conversely the chance of your house getting struck by lighting is 1 in 280,000. When you're in an area known for a high-concentration of ticks and disease-carrying mosquitoes you can't afford to mess around with anything less than a reputable DEET-based bug spray...Before we leave the topic of pesky biting insects, you might be wondering why we focused on DEET-based sprays while ignoring other solutions. For your money, time, and comfort, you cannot beat a DEET-based spray for effectiveness. If you went to your doctor and said 'I'm going to a country known for Malaria infections. I'm going to wear this little bracelet infused with Citronella oil.' she'd say 'You're going to get Malaria. Use a DEET-based spray'...It isn't that alternative methods are completely ineffective; they simply aren't effective enough."

    And on a related note...while sitting on the porch, skip the deet and turn on a fan. Mosquitoes are not strong fly-ers, so a breeze around you will prevent lots of mosquitoes from being able to land on you!