Is a spotter needed with SL?



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Well, when you fail reps on SL technically you're working until failure.

    right, but that isn't supposed to happen every time you do a sl workout, so hopefully it's the exception instead of the rule. the 'norm' is still to use whatever weight allows you to complete all 5x5 without failure and with good form.
    I think what she's saying is if your arms are going to give out, it's going to be before you get to the point of no return over your body.

    okay, yeah . . . i think i'm a special snowflake, because with me the limiting factor is my strength on the way down. any failing would happen then if my shoulder can't keep the left side of the bar under control. i can usually get it up (snrrk), so if i don't think i can bring it down safely i just rack it.