Check in June 13, 2014

julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
Morning everyone!!! I am still getting over the fact that yesterday's check in ended in sex with Bigfoot.. take a look if you don't believe me. How do I follow that?

Well for one thing Happy Friday which it certainly is for me. I ended up doing 12 hours yesterday and I am gearing up for a hard day today. I am so looking forward to getting my new things. I plan to spend the weekend cleaning, organizing and maybe even getting as far as deciding what can go in a garage sale this summer. I am also going to try and get to Aqua Zumba tomorrow morning. What are your plans for the weekend?


  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    It was erotica and a literary discussion, so slightly more high brow. :)

    Well I haven't been to bed yet. Just can't seem to fall asleep. It has however given my a couple hours to edit google maps... which is kind of sad, but at least now people will be able to find every public water fountain and bathroom.

    Well I'll spend the next two days walking to warm up for sunday/fathers day 5k walk. I'll spend saturday in San Fransisco at Flax, a giant paper store, they are having a sale. Oh, and try to get some work done, clients would appreciate that. Overall just try to have a good and stable weekend.

    So whats everyone else's obscure reading list? Any bigfoot material we should know about?

    I'm currently reading:
    Artificial Hells - Participatory art and the politics of spectatorship (i know, your jealous)
    Sensorium - Embodied experience, technology, and contemporary art

    Surprisingly they don't make any of these titles in audio book.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    I am reading the Jack Reacher series by Lee Childs.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!

    Yesterday I managed to track every piece of food and beverage that passed through my lips. I was over 800 calories above my goal. It was a trial and trip up day to see what I eat on a normal day and where I can make some adjustments.

    Today I am going to focus on NO sugar free sodas. The carbonation makes me want more and more and more.

    I don't read many books.

    To all those who responded to my depression/bipolar question, a HUGE TY!!! I am medicated. Thank goodness for meds. I just wasn't sure if anyone found certain foods helpful or detrimental. I know for me, if I have sugary foods, it sends me manic. QUICKLY. I've seen 2 nutritionists, neither have worked on the bipolar aspect and basically haven't helped. I know I have googled the information, supposedly omega 3's help stabelize you. Any fish is suppose to be a good source of protein.

    Have a great day!!

    Cari in DE
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Morning. I figured I should check in before the day gets away from me... I missed the Bigfoot/literary conversation. I'll have to go back and read for sure.

    As for this weekend, I recently got to a point, after watching an awesome show called "Neat" on Ion TV, that I realized that while I love having my things, the emotional, physical, and financial cost of maintaining things I don't have room for, don't currently use, etc., is weighing me down in so many ways. My goal for this weekend is to find at least one thing, preferably a handful or more, that I can pass on in some form or fashion - preferably to see a few dollars from it, as those are a seriously endangered species in my house (less than $10, and that needs to go in the gas tank, to last me over a week - and I don't have a week of groceries in the house....sigh). Anyway, my goal is to find some life clutter to clear. Anything over that is a bonus.

    I don't really read anywhere near as much since I've been focusing on getting active and such. Before, I was a total book *kitten*... A book has to really resonate with me to get me to pick it up these days... I think the one I'm reading now, though I think it has been two weeks since I picked it up, is called "1 Year, 100 Pounds" or Whitney Holcomb. She was 14, I think, when she lost her weight, and has kept it off almost ten years, if I remember right.

    Best of luck to everyone with current projects and concerns on the table!

    Carly in Okrahoma
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Morning all. Same sits here. I completely emptied out our bank account last night getting groceries to last about a week. Bad thing is we still have 17 days until payday and gas and you know life to live. Oh well. We will get by. We actually are finally having a garage sale next weekend. Hung on to a lot of baby clothes thinking we might have another...we did pass quite a few on But still have a ton left and we just need to declutter too.

    Not looking forward to the work especially when I can't do it my organized way. Had we had mine, would rent tables and clothes racks to display things properly. It's all about display. Anyway. Moving on.

    Food wise, pumped about the challenge. Bummed about Dads day. I didn't even get cards out this year. Ugh.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Oh books. I just finished everything by Jane Austen. Is free on Google play.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Oh books. I just finished everything by Jane Austen. Is free on Google play.

    I have all of her books on my phone. Lo v e her!

    Have you read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies? Download a sample... you will crack up! So well done!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Good morning lovelies!

    I just learned that the woman who started the Bigfoot erotica trend makes $30,000 a MONTH self publishing on Amazon. Seriously??? Okay, I know what I'm doing this weekend.

    Writing! Not having sex with Bigfoot, you dirty girls!

    Time for some scale reality check this morning, then cleaning, then swimming. Mini challenge of no sugar weekend, already feeling panicked, but oh, how I need this!

    Happy Friday, all!

    Karen in Maine
  • cekennon
    cekennon Posts: 44 Member
    Good Morning,
    Well I missed the book/talk sounds like I need to catch up. Well today I checked my sugar when I woke up and it was 147. Highest its been in morning ever (I am diabetic) – I ate and then checked an hour after and it is 203. I called docs office. Needless to say
    1. What do I expect since I am doing nothing to stop eating sugar – like I hate cake and unhealthy things this week
    2. I am scared and it has scared me to realize I HAVE to get control.

    My hands are very fingers…I am not exercising…I guess I have just fallen off…..I have to get back on and stay on. I just got this fabulous haircut (Ill post a pic) and my birthday is coming up, Ill be 51 and I have to take care of myself. I was even thinking lap band…but that’s just a quick fix. I need to lose 50 pounds and looking at some of you all accomplishments I can do this…
    So I am Debbie down under at this moment – but I will say…at my hair salon they have BUCKETS of candy everywhere – EVERYWHERE and as I walked in (cuz I normally eat the whole time I am there) I said to myself “no candy, don’t do it, not worth it, your worth, Jesus help me, I can do all things in HIS strength” and happy to say…I didn’t eat one morsel. Praise God
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member

    I'm currently reading:
    Artificial Hells - Participatory art and the politics of spectatorship (i know, your jealous)
    Sensorium - Embodied experience, technology, and contemporary art

    Surprisingly they don't make any of these titles in audio book.

    Very jealous!! lol I just finished 'The Hobbit'...ok so I am a bit late in reading it, better late than never....just liked the movie better! I am also reading Jack Reacher too, and the Women's Murder Club book series too.

    Along the lines of the many topics yesterday....I have had the upper and lower end done for the colonoscopy procedure. Was not a bad experience and the 'prep' was not bad. Staying on the liquids before the procedures was not a treat. Was awake for the lower part as the doctor talked to me and told me what he was seeing (or not seeing) and then had a bit of conscious sedation for the upper bit...had to get rid of the gag reflex for the big scope to go down my big mouth!! Overall was a good experience and one that everyone should have done prophylactically for your health screening! Am cleaning the home this weekend and a bit of shopping!! Cheers!
  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    My goal for this weekend is to find at least one thing, preferably a handful or more, that I can pass on in some form or fashion - preferably to see a few dollars from it, as those are a seriously endangered species in my house (less than $10, and that needs to go in the gas tank, to last me over a week - and I don't have a week of groceries in the house....sigh).

    Hubby and I are also experiencing EXTREME financial issues. It is so hard...especially when you want to make good choices...but can't afford the healthy stuff that you like. I just hope my husband can find a higher paying job that will help us catch up and then get ahead. I could talk all day about financial stuff so I'll just stop here.

    Also, a good book for weight loss inspiration is a book called "Finally Thin." I could relate to so much of what she felt and went through.

  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Back checking in for reals. I was totally lost with the Bigfoot sex talk earlier... NOW I get it... Karen and Pat are Dirty Birds!!! :smooched: :huh:

    Cari - GREAT JOB LOGGING EVERYTHING!! Way go go girl. Proud of you! That is is something I wished I had done from the beginning. Just logged everything before I even started to get an idea of the reality of it all. Good girl!

    Cekennon - 50lbs girl!? You CAN DO IT!! What are you waiting for? Join my challenge... It starts today! I bet you can be down to goal by Christmas if you just decide to start today. Good job at the salon. Loving the haircut! Super short and sassy. :flowerforyou:

    Karen - Totally want to read Zombies & P&P. P&P is my favorite. :heart:

    Angie, Dee and all of us broke *kitten* folks.. we WILL get through this. I know I know, I am about to call the bank now. I don't know WHY but my husband won't get off my back until I do, but anyways, eating will just make it worse. It costs extra money when we eat more. Reach for water when your stressed, it's free. Unless you are all fancy pants and only drink bottled.
  • IlluminatedMayhem
    I know I haven't checked in much lately but I've still logged everything I ate.

    Somehow I'm down 7.2lbs in the past week. I don't know how but it pushed me past 20 lbs lost meaning this is now the most I've lost in one actual attempt.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Well did my checkin for Heather's Birthday challenge and I am finely down bellow 300lbs and have hit my 10% loss :). My calories have also gone down :| .
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I know I haven't checked in much lately but I've still logged everything I ate.

    Somehow I'm down 7.2lbs in the past week. I don't know how but it pushed me past 20 lbs lost meaning this is now the most I've lost in one actual attempt.

    Good job, keep up all the great work.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I know I haven't checked in much lately but I've still logged everything I ate.

    Somehow I'm down 7.2lbs in the past week. I don't know how but it pushed me past 20 lbs lost meaning this is now the most I've lost in one actual attempt.

    That is awesome!! Keep checking! Don't stop now. 20 becomes 25, becomes, 30...
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Well did my checkin for Heather's Birthday challenge and I am finely down bellow 300lbs and have hit my 10% loss :). My calories have also gone down :| .

    I SAW that! Woo hoo! :drinker:
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Well hurrah, finally faced the music. I started logging my food again and stepped on the scale. Two weeks of struggling and I'm up 8 pounds. I'm sure half of that is water weight since my legs are so swollen from all the carbs and salt. Will weigh again on Monday after a sugar free weekend, but at least now I know where I'm starting for Heather's challenge. Warthog!!! I'm running again!

    Congrats to all the losers in here this week, woohooo!!!

    To everyone struggling, keep on truckin'!

    Karen in Maine
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Doesn't it feel good though to be in control again? I know the Karen that first started here going to her water tai chai and moving toward a goal was a happier Karen. Deep down, food is just the temporary happy that leaves you feeling depressed and emotional all week. I don't want you to beat yourself up anymore. But no more free passes. This is it. I'm tempted to make you open your diary so I can make sure you are logging young lady. I'm watching you!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Oh and that goes both ways. You get free reign to spank me when my night binge sections are filled out!