An extra tool that helped me mentally

VEG was scary but the best decision I have ever made. However a week after surgery my endocrinologist sent me for a full body fat density scan. That was so shocking for me to view. The scan shows the real you inside all that adipose tissue. I could not believe that the real me was so small. I had not seen her for so long I forgot she existed. I still pull it out to have a look now and again. Nothing gave me hope the way this scan did. I hope everybody gets one of these because it definitely gave me a target that did not involve scales or clothes.


  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    VSG but VEG were probably scary too back then haha
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    That scan sounds amazing. I hope I have the opportunity to get one as part of my program here in Canada.
    What a great tool and reminder of "the old life" it must be when you need a reminder of the the old you and how much your life has changed for the better. :smile:
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    I forgot to ask you, what does VEG stand for?
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    How do you get one of those scans? That'd be amazing. I can't even imagine myself small. When I look at the few photos I allowed of myself when I was a normal and curvy-bmi, yet thought I was big as a house, I can see that I was small, but never saw myself that way.
  • dezbie
    dezbie Posts: 19 Member
    How do you get one of those scans? That'd be amazing. I can't even imagine myself small. When I look at the few photos I allowed of myself when I was a normal and curvy-bmi, yet thought I was big as a house, I can see that I was small, but never saw myself that way.

    I used this site it allows you to make a virtual simulation of yourself at your current weight then it shows you what you will look like at any weight you enter! That image of myself is my biggest inspiration. But I've printed copies at different size goals so I wouldn't be discouraged when I wasn't looking like the 155 pound lighter version of myself which is my 2 year goal. Try it and see if you like it! :)
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    It is just a body fat scan and it shows the adipose (fat) tissue in yellow,,,your muscles in red and your bones in blue. So you get to see how small you skeleton actually is,,no more 'I have big bones' excuses. This wipes that out. When you can see what your body really looks like without the majority of fat,,it is a real wake up call. My skull looked so ridiculously small compared to the rest of my fat body,,but compared to the rest of my real body,,it was perfectly proportioned. I did laugh though because I have always had big calf muscles even as a kid and sure enough,,,they were still present on the scan as quite big.
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    You can ask your Dr. I was sent by my endo just after surgery for that and my bone density scan.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    That scan sounds very interesting. I hope I have the opportunity to get one at some point.

    Thanks for posting that link. I tried it out and it was really neat. I bookmarked the site to check back there at different weights. :)
  • bkw2010
    bkw2010 Posts: 16 Member
    Dezbie, I just tried that website you shared and I think it will definitely be a very helpful motivator. Especially printing out various stages to remind me where I've come from, and the final go to remind me where I'm going! Also helped me figure out that current hairstyle is best! LOL!!