Extremely painful breastfeeding :( Part 2

touchafaith Posts: 112 Member
I think the thrush is back :-( breastfeeding is ridiculously painful again, I don't understand it for the past 2 weeks everythings been fine and completely back to normal and now I'm crying whenever she feeds because it hurts to much. Why has it come back so soon? Is it something I'm doing wrong? Really hating breastfeeding right now. Sorry for the mini rant I'm just really fed up with the breastfeeding problems lately. On the plus side my daughter is showing no signs of oral thrush like last time so I assume she hasn't got it yet or maybe I don't have thrush it's something else? But it just feels 100% the same as last time. I have the leftover cream from 2 weeks ago is it to presumptuous to use it again?


  • mdelynn01
    mdelynn01 Posts: 176 Member
    I would use it. I had mastitis with my daughter and felt like dying. It was one of the worst illnesses of my life. Good luck to you. Sorry
  • touchafaith
    touchafaith Posts: 112 Member
    Thankyou. I've been using it 24 hours and its very slightly better. Hope it goes soon.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    A bit random, but...are your nipples white after your baby nurses? My LC and I thought I had thrush, but it was actually vasospasms, where the blood flow is essentially cut off. I was also very sensitive to cold (which was rough with a January baby). Just throwing it out there in case it's not thrush this time. Either way, I'm so sorry you're hurting. Do you have a lactation consultant you can go see?
  • touchafaith
    touchafaith Posts: 112 Member
    Hi thanks for your post. Yeah it is white after she nurses (only nurses from one breast), I just assumed it was because her feeding was just making the thrush worse so it's definitely something I'll look into. I don't/never had a LC, wouldn't even know how to go about finding one. Did you have any treatment or feeding strategies with vasospasms?
  • tinybry
    tinybry Posts: 71 Member
    Sorry to hear the pain is back.
    I had white nipple (vasosapasms) worse with my first and not so bad this time (maybe partly because this last winter was not so cold!). The things that helped me were little rice bags (I put some rice in a cotton sock) which I heated in the microwave and used after feeding or when ever I had pain, I found them really soothing. Also just keeping working on the latch as it is often a poor latch which contributes to this.
    I hope you get it sorted what ever it is.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Ditto what tinybry said about the rice socks! Also, mine improved when my son's latch improved, but he's now 17 months and has a great latch and my nipples are still a little white after he nurses.

    My Lactation Consultant gave me a list of a trillion things to try to help with vasospasms - I have no idea where it is, so let me e-mail her and see if I can get a copy and will send to you. I remember that she had me use a little coconut oil and rub it on my nipples before he nursed so that would get the blood flow going. I also think I remember a supplement that helps. I will let you know!
  • lj3jones
    lj3jones Posts: 94 Member
    I would use it. I kept up with the cream for a month to make sure it was good and gone before stopping.

    Does your DD get any previously expressed milk by bottle or sippy cup? As much as it sucks, I have heard that when your baby has thrush, you have to throw out your freezer stash or it will keep coming back. Also, make sure you sanitize all bits of your pump if you have one.

    Sorry you have to deal with this. I hope it clears up quickly.
  • touchafaith
    touchafaith Posts: 112 Member
    Aww thanks for all your help girls. Think the cream is working again, it doesn't hurt as much as it did - still gets so much worse during a let down though. From the thrush I had 2 weeks ago I have scar tissue around my nipple, when my daughter has finished the nipple is white but I have bright red tender parts on it like an open sore. My daughter is 16 months now and mainly only breastfeeds at night. I haven't pumped/given her expressed milk since she 5 months.