After my first week...

TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
I'm loving this program! I feel so strong and I really like the workout. It's go so quick but I definitely get a little sweat on the brow! I need to drop some more bf so I'm doing cardio on my off days. This is a switch, I use to do cardio every day. I feel good. So motivating!


  • amylahminute
    amylahminute Posts: 613 Member

    Yeah, it seems like the benefits are pretty obvious from the start. That's what I like about the program. Plus it's so easy.

    I, for one, found that I needed to back off on cardio to make sure I'm allowing some muscle recovery after my lifting days. Nowadays I go on brisk 2-3 mile walks instead of super-hard runs or hardcore metcon classes at the gym.

    So good that you feel good. :)