Lactose Intolerance

GraceByMySide Posts: 77 Member
I was just wondering what anyone's experience with lactose intolerance has been. I've never had issues with milk products, but am beginning to wonder if the sleeve has affected my dairy consumption, as I know it sometimes can.

TIA for your feedback!!! :happy:



  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I had really bad problems 2 weeks out! I could no longer drink milk, I am fine with yogurt, I switched to lactaid milk and that does not bother me! I had my sleeve 2 months ago and I can eat everything on the program now, I haven't tried going back to regular milk though.
  • GraceByMySide
    GraceByMySide Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks. I'm a couple weeks out. I"m not sure whether it's a milk problem or if it's just getting used to eating soft foods. I get a funny, airy, coldish feeling (heartburn??) where I can imagine my esophagus goes into the sleeve, sometimes. I will call the office tomorrow, but wondered what others' "symptoms" were to see if they are similar to what I'm experiencing.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I got severe stomach cramps and severe diarrhea. Once I switched to lactaid it stopped!
  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm lactose intolerant. I shouldn't do any kind of milk but I rely heavily on my protein shakes as they're the only ones that I like. I also get really bad cramping and diarrhea. Mine started before surgery though, about 13 years ago actually and I couldn't figure it out and neither did any of the doctors I saw. Cheese doesn't bother me for whatever reason but milk and ice cream are problems. Hope you feel better soon!